Analyzing Human Action – Why So Much Hatred?

By: Zy Marquiez
January 3, 2016

“Negative emotions are like unwelcome guests. Just because they show up on our doorsteps doesn’t mean they have a right to stay.”
– Deepak Chopra

This idea of this post was in response to an avalanche of negative comments on a particular video.

In said video, evidence was discussed and particular theories bandied about. Said theories prompted two separate tidal waves of emotion: positivity and negativity.

In particular, the negativity wasn’t just random venting, or just having a different point of view. The negativity came in the form of personal attacks. That’s a very precise type of negativity. It came out in full blown hatred through most comments as a matter of fact. This tidal wave of emotion left many people feeling dejected.

Whether the video was accurate or incorrect, isn’t the point of this analysis. What the point of this observation is how much time is spent being wasted by the mere act of spewing negativity over the course of that individual’s life.

The nascent point in this observation is 30 minutes a day. This seems like a reasonable assumption given that there are many people that spend much more time than that spewing hatred, literally every day.

To this we will multiply this by 365 days, and ultimately by 50 years of life.

Here’s the math:

30 minutes a day of complaining

30 minutes * 365 [days] = 10950 minutes

10950 minutes x 50 [years] = 547,500 minutes

547,500 minutes / 60 [to get total hours] = 9125

9125 hours / 24 [to get total days] = 380 days

Please keep in mind, these numbers are conservative. Some people will spend a lot more time than this, sometimes a few multiples of that.

The higher the quality of consciousness of an individual, the lower the probability of them engaging in errant negative behaviour. Not everyone is like that though.

After that tsunami of negativity that took place, it makes me wonder how much time the average person in their life takes part in this type of negativity. And to be more precise, this isn’t just random venting and such. Am talking about precise ad hominem attacks fueled by hatred/ignorance. The kind of substance that deteriorates the soul of an individual. That also doesn’t cover many of the detrimental side effects of negativity such as stress and such.

All of this is just food for thought.

This whole event is definitely something quite noteworthy, even if it is just a piece a larger puzzle.

It truly makes curious as to all of the things that drive people to choose to act in such a manner.

Regardless of what takes place, don’t allow the actions of other individuals to mar your inner sanctum.

Be mindful.

“Don’t be victimized by negative emotions and thinking. Don’t be handicapped by stubbornness and inflexibility.”
– Dr. TP Chia

Analyzing Human Action – The Mirror Of Your Soul

“Imagination decides everything.”
– Blaise Pascal


By: Zy Marquiez
December 7, 2015

As a powerful individual, your ability to choose – to carve out your own reality – is what made you who you are. Along the way, those endless choices have brought you upon an avenue chock full of possibilities that helped you mold yourself into who you chose to be come and what you ultimately stand for.

Through our personal roller-coaster journeys called life, we often find things/ideas/symbols/art pieces that echo our very soul through and through.

Hold that thought for a second.

Am sure someone has asked you to ponder upon the following for a moment. If nobody has, then take a minute to think, or as long as you need for you to narrow it down.

What is your personal song? The song that is you in every way shape and sound?

If you can’t narrow it down for whatever reason, consider the perfect book, the perfect verse, photograph, view, or moment shared with a significant other. Does that widen the breadth of options?

Now that you have the answer, what is it? Do you know this art piece like the back of your hand? Of course you do. That’s why is your favorite moment.

Why is this important?   Because we are going to undertake a mental exercise for a moment.

This song [or whatever you chose] will represent everything you think is perfect about life. This song is the upper echelon of existence, pure bliss, mellifluous rapture, the works. This song ultimately represents you and the perfect reality in your mind.  This song is the material representation of your very essence: your soul.

This song should be so powerful, that it should be able to fix all problems, mend all rifts, and heal all wounds. Everything.

In fact, am certain that for nigh everyone, these songs are so meaningful/powerful that they have helped us through some dire straits.

Now sit listening to it for quite a while. In fact, listen to it as long as you want. Could this song, really in all its infinite glory, be a synopsis of everything that is perfect in life for you? Could you listen to this song for the rest of your life and do nothing else?

A version of the previous idea was posed by Jon Rappoport [nomorefakenewscom] during an interview a while back. That is when his words/idea really resonated with me.

At first blush, the possibility seemed quite likely that in my case listening to the song, forever, might be possible. Had to ruminate quite a while about it however.

After some time, figured out that personally, even if it was the perfect song – in all its infinite glory – it would eventually get tiresome and it would bore me out of my skull.

Why is this? Because we know there is more out there. Having had experienced different ideas/escapes/latitudes that we consider perfect, we realize that life is about…variety. It’s about change. Is about breathtaking moments, which are the opposite side of the coin of the events that cause entropy/chaos.

The most perfect moment, the most perfect photograph, the most perfect kiss, is all bound upon the idea that is detachable from reality in away. In that way, carrying it around in your mental inbox heightens your life by having experiencing such personal perfection within your reality structure.

Yet, given the fact that life itself is beautiful because of the imperfections [one can’t appreciate the good without having experienced the bad], those personal and unique quintessential moments resound within our very soul since those are the exception.

That’s what makes perfect moments – a perfect song/photograph/verse/time shared – so special. Because it’s a symbol of who you are in a way. Or better said, it’s a symbol of what you believe one fragment of perfection is. It’s the brainchild of imagination, bliss and perfection exemplified.

The beauty of it all? There’s more.

There is always more.

There are more options. More songs. More books. More verses. More photographs. More moments.   More avenues/journeys which can guide you into new unknown wonders.

With so many untold possibilities and versions of what people hold as perfect, why are so many people eager to push their version of what they see as great/perfect onto others?   You would figure people would be eager to share [and not push], explore [and not shun] what can be found, or accomplished together even. Rare is the case it seems.

And no, the former is not about superficial material objects or anything of the like. It’s about ideas/moments that change people. Heck, that change the entire course of their lives.

We’re talking about monumental personal changes that in any way shifts your life/reality tectonically into a whole new continental landscape of possibilities.


Now that you have a centerpiece for your dreambuilding operation, what you to do? Is it time to let that song/moment cycle through endlessly, for the rest of time? Or is it time to venture into the ceaseless unknown to see what other gems you may find?

Better yet: are you going to share your idea/knowledge with others? How about sharing it with those that lift you up? Those individuals would certainly know you best , and certainly appreciate you for who you are in your essence.

Either way, it’s a beautiful thing to have so many choices and to be able to choose, rather than to have anything – ideology/idea/religion – pushed onto you as if your freedoms are limited, or as if you have no other choice. As if your mind can’t make a choice on its own. As if you have no personal power as an individual. As if your wisdom is non-existent. As if life/reality must fit in a box, and anything that doesn’t fit within that particular type of box doesn’t belong there.

How about this: why not think of the most perfect of everything that you can think of, make sure you have that/those idea[s] solidly in your mind, and hold it there. Thence, do everything possible to think of something better, something greater, something vastly more interesting/boundless than what you just thought before. Now isn’t that stretching imagination a bit?

That’s better. That’s a lot better.

It’s like taking a photograph, and turning it into a universe.

Seeing a snippet of the latitude that imagination provides can do wonders. It truly can. Like a torpedo, it hones in and focuses on those things that drive you that separate free individuals from the pack.

If you’re a musician, this is the moment you write a new tune. If you’re an artists, this is where you can paint a boundless landscape on that blank canvas. If you’re a writer, this is where you put pen to paper, and get to work manifesting reality at the stroke of a pen.

What do all those examples have in common? Creation via your imagination.

The question isn’t why. The question is, why not?

The choice is yours.

Be mindful:

“Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere.”
– Albert Einstein

Analyzing Human Action – Holidays / Social Dynamics

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so let us all be thankful.”
– Buddha


By: Zy Marquiez
November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving is one of those times where everyone is thankful, everything is copacetic, and things are looking up. Life is great. Nothing could be better.

It certainly is a rather pleasant having everyone navigate through life as if nigh walking through clouds. An observation regarding this is that this mostly only takes place through the Holidays. Does that not ever make you wonder?


Rewinding back the tape a bit, over a decade ago back at the University used to have a great friend while at ASU. We were both in the same Manzanita dorm, both in the Aerospace Engineering floor, and after meeting early on and clicking extremely well we made sure to take as many classes together since it would be highly beneficial to be able to have a ‘study-buddy’ and such. Due to this we naturally spent a lot of time together.

In any case, one thing that always amazed me was that it seemed that this individual knew everybody.

When approaching people he would say: “Hi, how’s it going?” “Hey, how you doing?” “How’s your day?” “How was your weekend?” And so on and so forth. This took place every day we were out and about.   It stunned me, because at first blush, it seemed to me that he knew everyone. Why wouldn’t he? He sure talked to everyone like he did.

That led to me posing the question to him of how he got to know so many people.  He proceeded to laugh nervously and told me that he didn’t know any of those people before. That stunned me. After asking a few people to verify he wasn’t yanking my chain, it turns out in fact, most of those people he didn’t know at all. Later on, finding out that it came natural to him, he said you just have to put yourself out there and see what you find.

Me being mostly an introvert back then, and not ‘out of my shell,’ it wasn’t easy to just go up to random people and start a conversation. But after meeting him it became easier and easier, to the point that it’s been something that has been implemented into my daily repertoire in countless interactions with folks.

Why is this important? Because in over a decade of interaction with hundreds of folks, from all walks of life, in many different places, at least half the people or so don’t seem to have much interest in interacting with folks besides the usual cursory manner. Some will even give you askance looks like “What the hell do you want?” Most people are polite though. It’ fascinating from a macro observation point of view.

Have queried some of my friends on the matter and they all agree with the general consensus.

This isn’t the case during the holidays though.

It seems everyone is “nice” and “polite”. The reason that’s in quotations is because, if most people were really nice, wouldn’t they be nice all of the time, rather than only during the Holiday season? It’s just a question. It just makes me wonder who’s doing it because that’s what is expected and who is doing it because that’s how they are. There is an enormous difference.

Many folks will undoubtedly feel it is easier to say hello during the holidays, as opposed to other parts of the year. That is not the case with everyone. One can tell some folks are just doing it because it’s what society expects. It just makes me wonder why society is how it is, and why people choose to act how they act, regardless whether its the holidays or not.


Another recent example of interactions with folks in my life took place when going to the Secret Space Program Conference in Bastrop Texas this year. From the moment you entered the doors of the convention center, you could just feel the atmosphere be electric. It was so dense you couldn’t slice it with a light saber.

Within a minute or so, was having conversations with two separate groups of folks and that basically set the tone for the rest of the weekend. Ended up myself meeting folks from all walks of life. Engineers, teachers, civil servants, business folks, retired military and people from other strata of society.

Conversations flowed, information was shared, life was contemplated and no topic was off the table. It was easy to see that people were being genuine. Although the conference focused on the Secret Space Program and Breakaway Civilizations, people found out about that topic from a myriad of avenues. That was very fascinating. People came at it from a financial point of view, from the environment angle, from space [obviously], from technology, from education, and even a philosophical or existential point of view, and thensome.

What does this event have in common with the Holiday season? Atmosphere.

The atmosphere was what the people chose it to be – that made all the difference in the world.  That fact alone was worth the travel.

The question is: Why do most people choose to only be friendly during the holidays, but forgo that option during a large portion [most?] of the remaining of the year? Ponder about that for a minute.

If the holidays are the holidays because the atmosphere that is generated by people, then why couldn’t people do that all the time? Why couldn’t people live more potent, friendly, interesting lives then what they currently do?  Why couldn’t we all meet more neighbors instead of all living in our abodes and logging most of our interaction through online venues?

Seems like we are only a choice away from much better times. Isn’t that interesting?

It would be a reasonable to presume that if most [not even all] people took this type of approach to life, everything would be much better. It’s unfortunate that most people get hung up on the differences of others, because it leads to the very environment that we live in where left vs. right issues are fomented daily unfortunately.

Ultimately, a better world is a mere thought away. Seems like a lot of power for individuals to have. That’s the thing, we’ve always had it except most people give it away only acting upon information provided by others such as the media, rather than conclusions that were arrived from personal insight/research.

What better world to live in than that?

Sure seems something to be thankful for, every day and not just when we’re told to be.

Paris – Unfettered Emotions

By: Zy Marquiez
November 15, 2015

“If you controlled the meaning of The Good, and you had unlimited propaganda resources and access to the press, and if you also had control over the Armed Forces and the police, you could build a new society in short order. You could wreck centuries of tradition in a few decades. And if you had the education system in your back pocket, you could wipe out the memory of what formerly existed. No one would remember. No one would care. This is happening now, in Europe. Ignorance is enlightenment.”
Jon Rappoport, The Underground

The events in Paris has brought about a veritable constellation of emotions, and rightly so. When the unfortunate loss of life takes place, it brings about much heart rendering sorrow.

However, with much raw unencumbered emotion flying about there have been countless illogical statements bandied about.

Some of these statements have been: “If we don’t close our borders they will take our jobs and lives”, “the Muslims carried out the attack! We need to kill them all” or “We need to go to war to prevent this from happening again”. And these are just barely scratch the surface.

Let us sift through these and see what we can discern.

First one being: “If we don’t close our borders they will take our jobs and lives.”

On its face, it seems like a reasonable presumption that people from elsewhere might take your job. But how many of these people that are displaced, or are refugees, are moving because they want to move, and not because they have been forced to move? If war has plagued your country, due to Western Intervention that has gone nowhere in nigh 10+ years [or even if its “only” a few years, as if that in it of itself is okay] in your country, wherever that may be, and has left you and your family destitute, what would you do? Gamble with your lives by staying? Would you not do everything possible to aid your family? Let’s hope so.

In addition, due to our white-washed history most do not realize that decades ago [if not centuries] it was the same song, and it hasn’t changed since. In the US, it was the Irish, Italians, Cubans, and on and on and on. And would bet anything that a similar threat has been promulgated through time, in most nation’s histories.

Our planetary history is littered with human interaction. This has spawned countless issues that has been publicized and might as well be called ’21st Century Migration Issues V10.0’. That doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of problem-reaction-solution tool, otherwise known as the Hegelian Dialect.

Finally, regarding the above, most people only give a cursory view, which is mostly supplied by the mainstream and do not realize who really is spawning the chaos. Blaming refugees, people migrating/moving is like blaming a symptom for a disease.

Moving onto the next statement: “The Muslims did it!”

Once again, taking the media’s version of the truth at face value helps who? Those wishing to control the official narrative. Disseminating a particular version of the latest story, that hadn’t even had the time to be investigated fully, just because the media says so-and-so did it, only helps to further fracture the already-nervous populace that’s been taught for over a decade to be scared of the latest boogeyman, formerly Al-Qaida, and now in this case “ISIS”. Also, going after an entire race or religion, just because a select few has allegedly carried out an attack, is at worst ludicrous, especially given the penchant for false flag by many nations, and at best outright insanity given what is known of this current situation.

Recall, that the media is a pro – the favorite go-to tool of the establishment – at the divide & conquer game, and all of the myriad permutations that entails: black-white, left/right, muslim/christian, gay/straight, male/female, us/them; always a catalyst to stifle true discourse and guide global populations to more war. “Trust us, we are the media”, their unofficial dictum.

Thence we have: “We [Western nations] need to go to war [as if we haven’t been at war for nigh a century, and aren’t at war now] so we can ‘prevent’ this from happening.”

This type of statement is said without pondering that perhaps that is exactly what the comptrollers want, and expect. The idea of a righteous moral compass is bandied about quite often nowadays, but many folks fly off the handle once war, politics & religion are involved at warp speed. Emotion leads the charge, with any semblance of logic left in the background. Again, forgoing any independent/incisive thought.

Let us digress.

Thus, we are witnessing the rousing of emotions of entire nations, those of which have been molded to believe in the latest scare tactics by the media and topped off with propaganda that would make Edward Bernays proud. And all of the above led most fearful folks into demanding for more senseless death, which is incredibly unfortunate.

There is a reason logic is not mandatory in schooling, and it is because it makes people independent in nature, in mind, and be able to carry out holistic and precise thinking that allows the individual to eviscerate anything that is baseless and based in the matrix world of smoke and mirrors.

This mind-squashing manufacturing facility of a matrix makes countless people more malleable and, towing the party line. What tyrannical empire wouldn’t love that?

Distancing ourselves of emotion and applying targeted trenchant thinking in this world based on fallacies is not only prudent, but necessary.

Taking a great course in logic, or reading logic-based novels such as The Complete Sherlock Holmes volumes are a great addendum if you can manage it.

Those works were recommended by some friends, and of course, not taught in school or college. Not that the public indoctrination school system is to be trusted, especially with Common Core on its heels. Still, those novels/short stories have aided me incredibly in my attempted understanding of the current system that we live in by the way in which the author uses logic in myriad of ways.

Those are just some suggestions, besides educating yourself. It’s your job and only yours, to make sure that you are not as ill-equipped in mind/body/soul as they want you to be during these trying times. Those who wish to tap you dry for all that you are worth psychically/emotionally/spiritually will do so at all costs, and this can be seen in our daily lives. Most don’t notice it because they live such automatic lives and question not a thing when paying a huge portion of your livelihood in taxes, health, and in lost quality time to a rotten system that only gets worse and worse.

In any case, before folks continue clamoring for an iron fist, they should make sure they are not being ruled by a velvet one first. Because that one, my friends, is a vastly more insidious way in which the comptrollers rule today, and the most efficient way to get a populace to walk in lockstep, in support of additional war.

With that let’s take heed of the following.

Globalist mouthpiece Zbigniew Brzezinski, who is widely known for his presentations at Bilderberg meetings, and foresees no middle class in the future said the following in a Chatham House speech:

“…in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people, than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill, than to control…”


Analyzing Human Action – Paris Events

By: Zy Marquiez
December November 14, 2015

As a preamble, let me just say that the power of conscious thought, be it prayer, intention, meditation, et al., is a beautiful thing. It can accomplish far-reaching and wondrous manifestations. If you haven’t researched it, do so. Books such as The Intention Experiment, The Field & The Bond by Lynne McTaggart, and The Honeymoon Effect & The Biology Of Belief, by Dr. Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D, outline what is possible in this limitless reality of ours. There are countless other books, and experiments as well.  Look it up.

Now let us segue into the core of this musing.

Recently, disastrous events took place in Paris. Many people unfortunately lost their lives. It truly is a despicably heinous act when a life is lost, yet many such unfortunate ways, even more so in such circumstances.  However, what has transgressed thereafter by folks empathizing with the situation has left me pondering much about human nature.

In various videos, social media threads and countless articles all over the internet, many people are instantly sharing the “Pray For Paris” catch phrase. The sharing of that catch phrase is not what has left me ruminating considerably. It is why people have chosen to do so that has left me in deep thought.

What makes people act? What is meant by that query is, what made people chose – if it was their choice, and not a preprogrammed response, mind you – to share the emotions the media propounds. Is it a heartfelt feeling for others? Is it concern for our fellow man? Is it out of love? Or is it something else?

At breakneck speed, hundreds of folks online are mirroring what has been shared by others, without putting too much thought to it. Why does the “Pray For Paris” catch phrase abound?

When the populace runs with something, especially when the media is involved, [and they oft are] something usually lurks behind. In this particular case, it stands to reason that the idea behind this phrase has ‘started’ so to speak, with the media.

Why is this important? Because the same media that tells us that 100+ people unfortunately died today, is the same media that does not cover the fact that over 225,000 people lose their lives in a medical system that puts profits over health. And those are extremely conservative numbers. The US health care system leaves much to be desired.  But you hear not of that anywhere in the media.

The above data has been outlined in a paper by Dr. Barbara Starfield many years ago, who was extolled for being a pundit at the John Hopkins School of Public Health. Her review published on July 26, 2000 named “Is US health really the best in the world?” was in fact published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. That particular paper can be downloaded freely as a PDF here.

Think that’s bad? It gets worse.

More recent data portends something far more ominous. A study that was conducted in 2013 by the Journal of Patient Safety estimated medical mistakes account for 210,000 to 440,000 US deaths annually.   That, and other medical misdiagnoses are covered in great in detail by article by Dr. Mercola.

Am no betting person, but am willing to wager that most people have not even heard of such statistics. Why is that? Why isn’t the media covering such life-threatening information to the populace? Ponder about that for a bit.  Really sink your teeth into that one.

Another question: why now, does the media chose to cover the latest 100+ deaths in Paris, when every year like clockwork between 225,000 to 400,000 people lose their lives conservatively, and millions more end up hurt and maimed? The latter obviously being many orders of magnitude worse, and yet you hear not a peep.

Crickets are heard instead.

Keep those facts in mind. Now let us circle back to an individual’s actions.

The individual, although powerful, follows the herd more times than one could count thus relinquishing their power.

Don’t believe me? How many times do we see avalanches of folks storming the entryway at the local Walmarts and such during the ‘retail rapture’ of Black Friday. These same folks that would never do such a thing, individually, EVER, follow the herd without a mere thought in the most disturbing form of groupthink. People have lost their lives, and countless more have been injured.

Tomorrow’s Quote Of The Day by Mark Twain outlines this best:

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”

That helps narrow down one possible reason why people have shared their thoughts about Paris. Is such always the case?

What happens when the media steers the populace wrong? And don’t tell me that hasn’t happened. You are reading this blog after all, and by such action are not of an average mind at minimum, but an inquiring mind, which is quite the accomplishment these days.

For those that might not know of any such scenarios, here is one.  Over a decade ago the media told us over, and over, and over, dozens if not hundreds of times how there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq and so on and so forth. None were ever found. However, the events that transpired in our post-911 world, have cost tens of thousands of lives, and over a decade of war, and it hasn’t stopped. And all that in its nascent stages was supported by most of the people, clamoring for war in droves.

A nation was stirred like an enraged hornet’s nest, and again, without a mere second though.

What has that solved? More war? More death? More infringements on rights?

Some darker elements within our societal infrastructure did benefit.

In fact, they benefit only from chaos. Peace does not bring them untold billions in profits, and additional billions in resource control after ‘aid’ is given to those country’s that ‘chose’ to cooperate with the US geopolitical version of righteousness.

Ironic, that in this very scenario, the answer to such action will be, you guessed it, more war & more death. Will it ever stop?

Some have elucidated that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the very definition of insanity, and its seems rather reasonable.  So why are people trusting the media over and over again, when there are countless examples of their lack of respect for the truth?

Let us retrace back to actions. Individual actions.

We have seen what people do in groups. They can share a heartfelt message, or they can even blindly support horrific atrocities, by the same mechanism.

What enables such? The media, for starters. Repetition also factors much into people’s actions, which is why it is such a potent advertising technique. It doesn’t work on everyone though. The precise, deep-thinking mind of a conscious, incisive individual is incapable of being used as pawn. This boundless power is the ultimate freedom.  The power that is targeted by attempting to merge the individual into the collective glob, but that’s another musing. 

Moral of the story? Ask yourself this.

Why does one feel the need to share a message, only when the media says so, but when there are vastly more important issues out there, people bat not even an eyelash? Why do people rush to judgement of any particular issue based on what the media says, rather than exercise the ability and capacity of their own mind? Ever notice how the media rarely has balanced news? There is always an agenda, and the profit motive looms extremely large as well, which dictates what will be run by the press. That is why fear sells. Nothing spawns emotions such as fear. That’s their ace in the hole. Nothing spawns war like fear either. Are you getting it?

The media is a tool of control, which only gives you the version of reality that they deem worthy of your knowledge. If 100+ in Paris lose their lives, that is important! If 225,000 to 400,000 people lose their lives yearly, by virtue of a senseless medical system, its not important because they media didn’t say so. Isn’t that interesting? It surely is a nice comfortable reality for one to live in, but one littered with more lies than bevy of politicians.

Be honest with yourself. Are you a person that buys hook-line-and-sinker what the media says, or do you know someone that does? Or do you investigate to figure out what really takes place? Do you wonder if there are any other more important issues worthy of being reported? Do you wonder why they aren’t being reported when you do find them? Do you ever wonder who benefits from the events that took place, and from the way in which the media portrays them? Countless questions, indeed. But they need to be asked.

The great thing is, that your mind, your very consciousness allows you to put considerable thought and power behind your every action.  This precision is power that goes mostly untapped, because most operate as a machine, rather than a well oiled and cared for manual V-12 mental engine.

So when the media shares a message, relates a story, or tells you what to think, what are you going to do? Are you going to take that information at face value? Or are you going to go looking for what lies behind the curtain?

The choice is yours. It is always yours.

Remember, you can only breakaway from conventional thinking if you yourself are behind the actions you carry out.  If what you are running previous programs learned over years of life run via your subconscious mind, then you are selling yourself short.  The good thing is you can learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind.  Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph.D covers this rather poignantly.