Breakaway Ruminations #2 – Imagination Unleashed


Zy Marquiez
January 11, 2017

“They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”
– Edgar Allan Poe

“Imagination is the spark that ignites the fire of creativity.”
– Richard Laurence Peterson

Imagination is an intriguing idea/subject that has resounding implications which rarely gets to see the light of day.

In our youth, imagination was the journey we all engaged in every day.  In those days there was no mountain to high, no catacomb too dark, no obstacle to impervious to be overcome because we knew at that time that nothing could stop us.

But then we ‘grew up’.

We were told that imagination, like a paper airplane, was a child’s play thing.  It’s something “only kids” employ.  Adults?  They don’t need imagination; ‘let’s talk about reality please,’ or, ‘let’s be real’ soon follows.  Imagination is in the past; it’s not needed now.

Such is the brainwashing that we were lathered on with, and it’s worked in spades.  This type of mind control puts the subject of imagination beyond the scope of everyday chatter.

Regarding this type of mind control, Jon Rappoport of once said this:

What is as yet uncreated in the imagination of The Individual is the most potent force in this or any other universe. And to make things even clearer, the failure to understand that fact constitutes the most potent form of mind control in existence.”[1] [Bold Emphasis Added]

Curiously, however, every single thing created was due to imagination being employed in some way shape or form.

The stifling of imagination has dampened individual consciousness and creativity and it’s quite regrettable.  One glaring example of this can be seen in the fact that although everyone living today has more information than ever before, many still need help with things that others knew how to do decades, or centuries ago or more.

People can’t imagine solutions like others could in the past because they’re living within a box, instead of living without the box.  Imagination is shackled through and through.

Having droves of more knowledge than any civilizations past, in conjunction with the employment endless imagination and creativity, we should be the most self sufficient generation of them all.   And yet, the opposite is the case.  The more technology grows and evolves, the less and less we know how to do [imagine] and thus, the less imaginative we become.

Hearkening back to our youth, imagination played a vital role in how we viewed reality.  Obstacles?  Those didn’t exist.  Obstacles were merely opportunities for growth.  Obstacles, like storms, help you realized what you’re made of, and once those circumstances have been conquered, individuals feel like they can take on the world.

That is because there are no limits to imagination.  Implication: there are no limits to the amount of solutions you could envision.

A great aspect of imagination is its malleability, even though imagination is in fact shapeless.

Like water, imagination molds into whatever shape it sees fit and even transmutes itself into something more, something greater, but only when unleashed.

Imagination is non linear.  It may venture in any direction it sees fit, and goes even beyond the beyond.  There is no path imagination won’t take, there’s no venture it won’t embark upon.

Imagination is the road that never ends, offering solutions at every turn.

But without action, imagination, like a starship without a warpdrive, remains stagnant.  Explorations must cease until adjustments are made – until imagination is employed. 

On the opposite side of the spectrum, what happens with individuals that use imagination?  These individuals create.  Moreover, they solve, they conquer; ultimately, they grow.

These individuals create, create often, and endlesslyPaintings, poetry, dances, prose, solutions and MUCH more, are all created by those limitless and imaginative individual minds that chose to employ this tool.

Imagination is so important that Einstein once said:

Imagination is more important than knowledge.  For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”[Bold Emphasis added]

Nikola Tesla ultimately said this of imagination:

“Our first endeavors are purely instinctive prompting of an imagination vivid and undisciplined. As we grow older reason asserts itself and we become more and more systematic and designing. But those early impulses, though not immediately productive, are of the greatest moment and may shape our very destinies. Indeed, I feel now that had I understood and cultivated instead of suppressing them, I would have added substantial value to my bequest to the world. But not until I had attained manhood did I realize that I was an inventor.”[Bold Emphasis added]

Imagination is there for individuals to use at will.  If individuals so choose, it will push them; it will drive them.  It will free them from the shackles of normality and help erase the imaginary boundaries [dictated by society] that have been hampering their progress and mental state.

And just like the countless individuals that achieve their dreams even though they were told it would be “impossible”, imagination manifests impossible dreams, because it can.

Imagination will not be stopped, because it cannot be stopped.

Once the box doesn’t exist, the individual is free.  Free to experience or create anything they want, solve anything the need, and ruminate upon the wondrous ceaselessly.

Then, the next chapter begins.


[1] Jon Rappoport, The Magician Awakes.

Book Review: A Different Kind Of Teacher by John Taylor Gatto

Zy Marquiez
January 16, 2017

John Taylor Gatto is an award winning teacher and recipient of the New York State Teacher Of The Year Award with over 30 years experience within the public school system.  Many of the lessons he’s learned are expounded upon at length in his books, which continue to gain popularity with every passing year.

For me, A Different Kind Of Teacher follows a reading of Gatto’s book Dumbing Us Down – The Hidden Curriculum Of Compulsory Schooling.  In it Gatto did a phenomenal job of outlining many of the most insidious issues taking place with the current public school system.  The precision and pull-no-punches approach of Gatto’s work is what made Dumbing Us Down so notable, especially considering that he most pulled no punches when he stated that the main agenda of the public school system is to indoctrinate individuals how to follow orders so they can become unthinking cogs in the machine.

A snippet of some of Gatto’s most important points in Dumbing Us Down are:

“…schools and schooling are increasingly irrelevant to the great enterprises of the planet.  No one believes anymore that scientists are trained in science classes or politicians in civics classes or poets in English classes.  The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders.”[1]

Schools are intended to produce, through the application of formulas, formulaic human beings whose behavior can be predicted and controlled.”[2]

It is absurd and anti-life to be part of the system that compels you to sit in confinement with people of exactly the same age and social class.  That system effectively cuts you off from the immense diversity of life and the synergy of variety; indeed it cuts you off from your own past and future, sealing you in a continuous present much the same way television does.”[3]

Scathing remarks such as the above leave no doubt Gatto’s quest for individuals is that of true education, and not the facsimile of it as we’ve been sold over time.

With that said, his other phenomenal book, A Different Kind Of Teacher – Solving The Crisis Of American Schooling by John Taylor Gato is a fierce examination into not only public schooling and its many inherent flaws, but also what type of steps are required to be carried out by individuals in order to transcend the current bankrupt/corrupt system from its current miserable state and into a more robust, grounded and resonant system that doesn’t sell out to corporate/government interests.

One intricate notion Gatto explores regards education in the past, which was considerably different than what it is now.  For instance, in Colonial America literacy rates were exceedingly high with no compulsory schooling whatsoever.  The same cannot be said of now.  In fact, one theme that Gatto convincingly explores is the damage inflicted on the human psyche through the many years of compulsory schooling.

When the reader reflects on how such actions instill the conditioning of the mind, and force it not to think but simply accept what it’s told, one arrives at the understanding of how a large part of society in this country continue to willingly accept the idea of public schools as a good thing

Thankfully, not everyone is following that pattern.  With more and more families continuing to homeschool their children, and individuals seeking to become autodidacts, considerable change is taking place at the grassroots level.

And much of that change is taking place in large part by individuals such as John Taylor Gatto, who are relentless in not only mincing no words in calling the system for what it is, but also by offering solutions to individuals seeking such.

Regardless, each of one of us are inherently responsible for our own continuing education.  When we pass that responsibility to the state, such as John Taylor Gatto has showed, we come to terms with the desolate fact of the education system’s cataclysmic decline.

The only way to stop such a system from continuing in tsunami-like fashion sweeping over everyone and everything is at the grass roots level, at the local level.

If we don’t, the country our forefathers conquered will be a ghost of the past, barely a facsimile of its former self, and the future will prove to be even murkier than now.

As Gatto elucidates:

“Figure out what matters.  Do it yourself; work hard at it; no one else can do it for you.  Relying on others in this regard or ignoring the necessity will ruin you thought you sit surrounded by machines in a rich school watching videos of spaceships.  Each of us has a design problem to solve:  to create from the raw material around us the curriculum for a good life.  It isn’t easy and it isn’t the same for any two people.  If you think you can buy it, look around you at the shambles my own generation has made of communal life and family life by trying to buy it or fashion it with machinery.”[4]


[1] John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down – The Hidden Curriculum Of Compulsory Schooling, pg. 21.
[2] Ibid., pg. 23.
[3] Ibid., pg. 24.
[4] John Taylor Gatto, A Different Kind Of Teacher, pg. 208.

Breakaway Goals For 2017

Zy Marquiez
January 9, 2017

“A dream is your creative vision of your life in the future.  You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.”
– Denis Waitley

In the Breakaway 2016 – A Year In Review, a tally was conducted of which goals were met success, and which met failures.

Now it is time to set goals for 2017, which will be both for the blog and some personal ones as well.

Each goal – written in bold – follows with commentary below.

Goal #1: Paint 25 paintings.

Last year, the goal was 50, and 30 wasn’t even achieved.  Although really wanted to attempt the same goal again, it’s more prudent/pragmatic to take a more conservative goal in this instance.  The other reason for not making this goal too large is that the canvases which will be used this year are 2-3 times larger than last years.  That’ll simply mean more time put towards painting, regardless of total goal.

Goal #2:  Write and share 50 poems of any type.

This was the goal for last year, but unlike painting, which takes considerable time, this goal will be achieved this year because we will not sacrifice too much personal time for the blog.  Failure is not an option.

Goal #3:  Write 70 new book reviews for the blog.

Last year’s goal was 50, and it was pretty much crushed by 50%.  This year, although there shouldn’t be any personal setbacks or anything, the goal will be 70.  It’ll still be considerable work, but it’s increased enough to be a challenge, while not overly so that it feels like a finish line that never ends.  Really want to make it higher, but let’s not get overly ambitions.

Goal #4:  Ask more questions of individuals, and listen more.

Seems simple, and yet, it’s a goal that will net more benefits.  It’s not like me to be overly talkative, but, in order to increase mindfulness, being more mentally engaged on the listening side of a conversation will bring to fruition considerably greater aspects of myself.

Goal #5:  Be even more inquisitive than in the past.

This goal is the same as last year, and it was met.  However, its important to me to continue to foster my intellectual curiosity in order to grow as an individual and be able to help others.  What’s not to like about that goal?

Goal #6:  Take more deep breaths.

What!?  Yeah, that’s a few friends told me.  But really, the reason for this is, again, it helps develop mindfulness, and keep my mind intensely focused, which helps in every other part of life.  Plus, it will remind me to meditate more often.

Goal #7:  Meet new people from all walks of life, figure out what makes them tick, and why they are the way they are.

Meeting people is a great goal, and it used to be really hard for me due to being shy, but with time its become slightly easier.  That said, meeting people is one thing, but figuring out what makes them tick deep down in their core is something significantly different, and something that almost never happens due to so many superficial relationships.  That, and it takes time to really get to know people and their drives/passions.  Regardless, if am able to engage with 15-20 folks in this manner by the end of the year, am going to be more than happy with this one.

Goal #8:  Read 100 books, or 20,000 pages from books – which ever goal comes first between those two.

This goal was succeeded last year thankfully.  About 3/4ths of the book read were non-fiction research books of many types, with the rest being fiction of mostly dystopian or horror type.  Would love to up this goal, but this goal requires enormous consistency and everything to go right.  At least having a goodreads account helps track which books – and how many – were read.

Goal #9:  Workout at least 5 hours a week – over 250 hours in the year.

Although the amount of time [hours logged] working out last year was within goal range, not enough ‘days’ were spent doing that.  The days worked out by myself would venture into 1 to 2 hours many times, but would only go about 3-4 times a week, rather than 5 consistently.  That said, from this year on we’re just going to add hours worked out by each week’s end.  If the total hours worked out by the end of the year goes over 250 hours, this will be great.  And my goal is to do it either by doing yoga, cardio, lifting weights, etc.

Goal #10:  Take a lot more time ruminating before carrying out all decisions in life.

This is definitely the most complex, since it requires constant mindfulness and focus to have a highly more deliberate and incisive thought process.  Without a doubt, this goal will probably net arguably the greatest benefits, although it might be the toughest to achieve/implement.

More goals might be added, but for now that seems to run the gamut across most if not all of the core goals that will be striven for in this blog.

What are your goals for this year?  Have put them into action?  Are you already on your way?  Let me know.

Throughout the year, regardless of what takes place within the rollercoaster that is life, please keep in mind this gem that Picasso once intimated:

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.  There is no other route to success.”

Who This Blog Is For

Zy Marquiez
January 6, 2017

“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.”
– Robert Byrne

In fairness to give credit where credit is due, this piece has come to fruition due the work of a person who is highly respected in this blog.  The name of this researcher/investigator is Jon Rappoport [], and he carries out very incisive work in a myriad of fields.  One of his posts, in similar light, inspired this particular piece.


Let’s preface the body of this piece with who this blog isn’t for.

This blog is not for folks that are lazy by choice and lackadaisical.

This blog is definitely not for people who value conformity in any way shape or form.

This blog is also not for the people who want the easy way out.

This blog is certainly not for folks that just want comfort or want issues sugar coated.

This blog isn’t for folks who don’t practice self-education.

And this blog finally isn’t for people who just want to be told what is best for them. Only the individual themselves can ultimately decide what is best for them.

With that, Who is this blog for?

This particular blog is for the many individuals who strive to learn more from life; the individuals who will not be held back on their journey to achieve the pinnacle of their dreams – their true dreams, and not the ones prescribed by society.

Are you tired of the cookie cutter answers the establishment has ready-made for every single scenario that props up? Then this blog is for you. Are you searching for answers as to why the world is screwed up and don’t seem to find any semblance of an answer proposed by the comptrollers, then this blog is for you. Have your instincts taught you not to trust the mainstream media institutions/corporations that lie to you repeatedly? Then this blog is certainly for you.


Now let’s take a side road for a bit.

People are often quick to tell you their likes, their dislikes. However, many a time we rarely hear an individual’s true passions if those particular dreams go against the grain. This is because some people often criticize everything that doesn’t conform to their reality and personal point of views, which prevents nonconforming individuals from opening up to them.  Moreover, this prevents individuals from flourishing in many ways having to seek their passions in the outskirts of societal circles.

With that in mind, what is it YOU want? What is it you truly want? Are you living the life you wish for? If not, are you at least pushing beyond conventional thought to solve the issues preventing you from attaining/creating your reality/dreams?

Its easy to live the comfortable life – the prescribed life. Unfortunately, that tends to get people in a funk, and often takes years to realize, or worse. Instead, it’s really hard to pursue your dreams when most others says you have to do A, B, or C.  Heaven forbid you think outside the box.  Or better, that there is no box.

If you’ve read this far, you are probably at the vanguard of the tidal wave that’s taking place in the undercurrents of our societal ocean. You are the type of individual making changes, pushing against the grain, cracking bricks with toothpicks of rebellion that give globalists spinning headaches at night because you are the key to this whole enigma – the free individual, who this blog is for.

Being the only ship making berth in a unique bearing, while the rest of the armada is anchored at the harbor can be quite daunting. It can seem you are not just the tip of the spear, but the entire spear itself, and can only count on yourself. You are your own help, your own protector. Even your very own liberator. But isn’t what life is all about? This is not about doing everything by yourself. But some particular battles rest upon on you, and only you.  And how you choose to live your life is one of them.

In any case, it is you who ultimately has to answer for the choices you have/haven’t made. It is you who will have the knack for success when the chance arises, or will learn from possible missteps on your path to knowledge/wisdom before reloading. It is you who has the brass stones to plow forth through the inferno of conformity, dislodging all obstacles in your path and it is certainly you who are responsible for your life at the very end.

So why not make all that matters in your life your choice? Your reality? Why not now? Why give others that option when it need not be?

Striving to create something greater for yourself [and others] takes a lot of drive/imagination and courage for that matter. It also requires a lot of effort and even truck loads of focused intent that when carried out efficiently leave your naysayers in the star dust.

Best of all is that, as you breakaway from the conventional, the monotonous and the prescribed, you will grow and shine brighter as an individual, and the brighter you shine the easier it will be for you to guide others through the darkness.

And if such words resonate with you, then that’s why this blog is for you.


“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”
– Henry David Thoreau

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
– Lao Tzu

Book Review: Immortality Of The Gods by Nick Redfern


Zy Marquiez
January 15, 2017

Nick Redfern is an author that has tackled a variety of subjects, and in this book he does no different.  In Immortality Of The Gods, Redfern seeks to ascertain whether or not there’s any substance to the legends of immortality throughout time.

In its nascent stage, the book begins with the argument that in ancient times there were beings that had extraordinary life spans due to incredible elixirs such as the White Powder Gold, Manna, Indian Amirita, and other potions.  Drawing from wide-ranging sources that range from the Bible, the Epic of Gilgamesh, Sumerian sources and more, Redfern collates data based on stories that claim beings with extensive lifespans have lived through various periods in our history, although more notably in our ancient past.

Some of these individuals include Count St. Germain, Adam, Methuselah, Seth, and a few others.

Furthermore, not only does Redfern examine ancient sources, but the author also examines more modern cases that dovetail more into the UFO field, such as the case of Valiant Thor.

While the book does make an argument compelling enough to further research, the book isn’t without its flaws.

First, some sources are much stronger than others.  This makes for a book that could have possibly been really good into a book that’s still worth a read, but okay at best.  Granted, tackling a subject of this magnitude isn’t exactly a walk in the park, however, drawing information from books/articles just because it exists doesn’t mean it’s going to bring credibility to the book, especially in a subject that’s already incredibly convoluted.

Secondly, the author uses many sources, which is fantastic.  However, when quoting from these sources the author never once sources the pages of material where applicable.  It wouldn’t have taken much effort to do that, and an independent researcher will have to leaf through thousands of pages to find out what parts of which books information used by the author is at.  Any solid researcher will have a nightmare trying to further research topics covered within this particular book.

Overall, if you’re really interested in the subject the book does have some intriguing information to take note of.  That said, some of the information provided could certainly be read – or interpreted – in different manners, which leaves some areas of the book quite lacking.

Book Review: Dumbing Us Down – The Hidden Curriculum Of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto


Zy Marquiez
January 11, 2017

John Taylor Gatto is an award winning teacher that isn’t afraid to buck the trend.

Dumbing Us Down – The Hidden Curriculum Of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto is a masterly an in-depth view into how public schooling really works.

Sampling many of his best personal essays, Dumbing Us Down features the true reasons why education in our modern day system is failing: because it’s meant to be that way.

Gatto reinforces his main premise with a thorough examination of public schooling in America.  He carries this out rather incisively given his no holds barred approach to the matter, and this is very refreshing.

While many others have tippy toed their way around the issue, Gatto harpoons the heart of the matter with statements such as:

“…schools and schooling are increasingly irrelevant to the great enterprises of the planet.  No one believes anymore that scientists are trained in science classes or politicians in civics classes or poets in English classes.  The truth is that schools don’t really teach anything except how to obey orders.”[1][Bold Emphasis Added]

Schools are intended to produce, through the application of formulas, formulaic human beings whose behavior can be predicted and controlled.”[2][Bold Emphasis Added]

It is absurd and anti-life to be part of the system that compels you to sit in confinement with people of exactly the same age and social class.  That system effectively cuts you off from the immense diversity of life and the synergy of variety; indeed it cuts you off from your own past and future, sealing you in a continuous present much the same way television does.”[3][Bold Emphasis Added]

Such scathing statements leave no question to Gatto’s courageous stance, and helps the reader understand the plight we face rather cogently.

Another component of this ongoing public schooling issue is how vital the community is, and more importantly, the family unit, in helping foster a healthier, more independent, more curious, and ultimately more self-sufficient individuals through proper education.  While this might seem obvious in hindsight, it isn’t being employed that much at all in our modern environs.

Throughout the length of the book, Gatto fiercely touches upon the many different factors that have helped cause this growing dilemma.  Some of these include the overwhelming amount of television being watched by society in general, and more specifically by children, while other components have to deal with the inherent designs of schooling such as the fragmentation of education, the removal of the family from an individual’s education, the poor life tenets individuals are taught, and much more.

One of the best parts of the book is what Gatto calls ‘The 7-Lesson School Teacher’, where the author shows what teachers are truly expected to inculcate into students.  Once read, this particular lesson to the reader might seem facetious, but it’s really not.  When one views what Gatto is stating with an open mind –  while keeping cognizance of the fact that he worked decades for the system – then one completely gets to be aware of why failure in schooling isn’t the exception, but the rule.

In fact, more specifically, Gatto gets at the heart of why public schooling is destined to fail:

Mass education cannot work to produce a fair society because its daily practice  is practice in rigged competition, suppression and intimidation.  The schools we’ve allowed to develop can’t work to teach nonmaterial values, the values which give meaning to everyone’s life, rich or poor, because the structure of schooling is held together by a Byzantine tapestry of reward and threat, of carrots and sticks.  Official favor, grades, and other trinkets of subordination have no connection with education; they are the paraphernalia of servitude, not of freedom.”[69][Bold Emphasis Added]

Gatto has unbounded a phenomenal book in the field of public schooling and more importantly, what true education should encompass.  Please keep in mind, schooling and education are not the same thing.  Particularly, this differentiation and what each means is one of the main gems of this book.

To finalize, this book is a veritable fountain of information that is intense in precision and thought-provoking in its implications given that they filter into all aspects of our lives, and ultimately seep into the future.  This is why it’s vitally important for individuals to become autodidacts, and help others become so through our interactions with our families and communities.  Self-teaching is more important now than ever, especially with the deteriorating effects of public schooling.

Because of all the reasons mentioned above, and myriad more, this book is definitely a must read for everyone.

As the author saliently notes:

“Aristotle saw, a long time ago, that fully participating in a complex range of human affairs was the only way to become fully human…”[47][Bold Emphasis Added]

Sources & References:

[1] John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down – The Hidden Curriculum Of Compulsory Schooling, pg. 21.
[2] Ibid., pg. 23.
[3] Ibid., pg. 24.
[4] Ibid., pg. 69.
[5] Ibid., pg. 47.

Book Review: The Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization by Richard Dolan

Zy Marquiez
January 9, 2017

For those that don’t know, Richard Dolan is a scholar, historian, and renown researcher within the field of alternative research.

Dolan’s research has been integral in bringing in a new fresh point of view within the field of UFOlogy and this works exemplifies this rather trenchantly.

The Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization by Richard Dolan mirrors incisively the rest of his works quite well, although in a much more shortened manner given the length of the book.

Having coined the term “Breakaway Civilization” in his UFOs & The National Security State series, Dolan follows up with this booklet, which is a salient synopsis of the presentation he gave in San Mateo, CA in 2014 at the Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization Conference.

Admittedly, if you have seen that particular presentation of Dolan on youtube, then this will be nothing new.  However, if you are new to the subject, or want to have a written reference for what Dolan discussed in his presentation, then this book is certainly for you.

Dolan begins discusses UFO reports/statistics and the ongoing phenomena.  Thereafter, the author discusses the fascinating story of Ingo Swann and his remote viewing prowess.  Swann’s findings and experience definitely lend a thread of credibility that makes the reader aghast at the possibilities.  The fact that remote viewing experimentations were taking place decades ago shows how vital this type of discipline was to reconnaissance and more.

Discussed soon after are Karl Wolfe’s testimony, which he shared during the Disclosure Project, Donna Hare’s testimony regarding having to airbrush any evidence of UFOs as well as the story of Vito Saccheri.

Throughout the book Dolan homes in on the implications of the SSP & Breakaway Civilization at various stages and how these interweave with our reality in many ways.  This is appreciated given how many new folks will be reading this particular subject, and to have this subject analyzed and spoken about in a methodical, no-nonsense but in-depth and open-minded way is definitely refreshing.

Another data point delved into is Leonard Stringfield’s finding of “the crash retrieval syndrome” coupled with some cases which are highly provocative to say the least.

Also noted within the book is Dolan’s gander at what journalist James Goodall was told, which regarded highly advanced technologies stationed at the Nevada desert at the time.

Most notably, Dolan makes sure to harpoon many of the deeper implications that the subjects of Secret Space Programs and Breakaway Civilizations entail, as well as why it’s vital for the SSP & Breakaway Complex to maintain control of the subject and more importantly, the sciences.

Dolan also gives a glance at the ever illusive paradox of disclosure, while also giving light to some of the more notable renderings that relate to footage of UFOs, such as the STS 114 footage.

Soon thereafter, the author gives what he sees as the most likely scenario of the topic at hand, while also giving a cursory glance to the possible goals of the handlers.

Finally, Dolan gives his take on what individuals can do to detach from the control system and help bring about change in this discipline as well as others.

In its totality, the book not only gives individuals a hardcopy of one of Richard Dolan’s best presentations, but it’s also a different way of assimilating information.   Different people learn in different ways, and having this type of media for people to learn is highly helpful for those that appreciate tangible books like myself.

This book, or perhaps most notably, the idea of a Breakaway Civilization and  Secret Space Program certainly helps put many seemingly disparate pieces come together in a way that helps shed light onto the darkness that abounds.  And in that, this book certainly shines.

Having said that, we need cognize that how the world looks a century from now will be proportional to how individuals decide to live their lives in relation to this topic and others.  If individuals so choose to educate themselves becoming autodidacts, and also incite others into actions such as Richard Dolan has and continues to do, then the world will in fact begin to change accordingly.

Book Review: Yahweh The Two-Faced God: Theology, Terrorism & Topology By Dr. Joseph P. Farrell PhD & Dr. Scott deHart PhD


Zy Marquiez
January 6, 2017

Yahweh The Two-Faced God By Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D and Scott deHart Ph.D is a book with resounding implications.

In the structure of the book, the authors post an interesting conundrum: that the theological terror and mayhem that has taken place since the spawning of the three Yahwist religions [Judaism, Christianity & Islam] is in large part due to the full fragmentation of people into dialectical positions that permanently pin people in opposing groups.  This has caused a culture clash in many ways as can be seen in present day and in historical times alike.

Arguably, the most vital reason this book should be read is to come to an understanding of how the big three religions are used by certain nefarious interests to socially engineer schisms due to their inherent nature which is deeply interrelated at the outset with Yahweh and his polar opposite tendencies.

This is best exemplified by the following passage by the authors:

“…a schism has been introduced into the social structure that is thus revolutionary in nature, for a dualistic dialectic has now become a defining feature of the social space:  all accepting the Yahwist revelation are exclusively within the realm of truth, of light, of illumination, of belief.  All outside of it, “Egypt” are in the realm of falsehood, darkness, idolatry, and unbelief.  This “cloven space,” to employ the metaphor of George Spencer-Brown, has become the common cultural and intellectual space of the Western world for two thousand years, and the cultural space and intellectual world of Islam for almost a millennium and a half.”[1][Bold Emphasis Added]

Such are the origins of the beast that society currently faces.

Further discussed within the pages of this book are subjects like the topological metaphor of the medium, social engineering and violence, culture clashes, moral schizophrenia, programming of behavior, the inherent set of moral contradictions, deaths ordered by Yahweh, and more.  Some of these topics are addressed at greater length than others, but they all weave seamlessly into the central thesis of the authors.

Particularly of interest is the fact that the authors home-in on the many problems with prophecies, the rapture doctrine, the ‘apocalypse’ meme and geopolitics, all of which are being employed in all their despicable glory to accomplish wicked agendas.

These agendas are all inherently divisive, as the authors cogently note:

“…the contest is not between “Christian and infidel”, but Yahwist and infidel, between those who wish to return the world to a mediaeval barbarism of bonfires and beheadings for thinking the wrongs things or being “an infidel”, howsoever defined, and those who do not.

“In short, the violent division of the social space and its final violent apocalyptic apotheosis in nihilism that constitute Yahwism in all its forms can only be combated by alert minds and warm heart…”[2][Bold Emphasis Added].

While this book’s tackling of the three monotheistic religions and how they have been instrumental in socially engineering many of the inherent issues that we have to deal with at this time will not get as much attention as the other books written by the authors or Dr. Farrell’s work, it’s still vital for the deep comprehension of the current state of our global cultures and how and why they clash.

Sources & References:

[1] Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D and Scott deHart Ph.D, Yahweh The Two-Faced God, pg. 25.
[2]Ibid., pg. 118.

Book Review: Propaganda And Mass Persuasion – A Historical Encyclopedia, 1500 To The Present


Zy Marquiez
December 13, 2016

Propaganda And Mass Persuasion – A Historical Encyclopedia, 1500 To The Present by Nicholas J. Cull, David Culbert & David Welch is broad surveying of a large portion of the propaganda that has historically taken place the last five centuries or so.

For the record, the book has many other contributors than the ones listed above.  The ones listed are only three of the entire group.

In any case, the book is divided alphabetically, which certainly helps, and is footnoted to the hilt, which is greatly appreciated.

Showcased within the book are the smorgasbord of ways propaganda can be used.  Common methods such as television, radio, and media are delved into, while also cursory glances are given to posters, leaflets and other tools used historically.

A wide sprinkling of Individuals, methods, movements, ideologies, movies, countries and more are each given a decent gander within the confines of this piece.

Propaganda And Mass Persuasion exegetes the precise historical periods of some of the largest propaganda campaigns that have taken place.  From World War 1, to World War 2, Vietnam War, and even many other wars, the book delves into how propaganda played a role in assisting and/or countering an opposing side.  Along with this, the book even shows how mass persuasion has been viewed by the establishment, and how it has served a major purpose in pushing particular agendas.

Ultimately, steering vox populi is the main focus of any propagandist, and this book shows why.

In its totality, Propaganda And Mass Persuassion is quite didactic for a neophyte, given its expansive historical range.  That said, given the size of the book, it can only really home-in on certain historical applications with great precision.  Because of that ome areas were somewhat lacking however.

The data set addressed was rather scholarly, although admittedly from an establishment point of view.  Much deeper layers of this topic are only given mere glances, or simply glossed over in their entirety. Simply stated, the book is congealed – or so it feels – to cement official narratives.  Giving you enough scholarly data for it to be legitimate, but not following additional published documents/data sets that that would confect a much larger and complete picture.

It is up to the reader to take cognizance in the lacking breadth and scope of the book.

As a starting point, it’s certainly quite superficially comprehensive, and it certainly belongs in a researcher’s library.  However, the glaring omission of social engineering – which is propaganda’s ultimate goal – are to be looked at quite askance.   That subject alone could be written about at length, and isn’t even given a glance.

If you are a student of propaganda, mind control, social engineering and the like, and happen to get this book, just realize this isn’t the end-all-be-all of sourced material.  There are many books by many great people on Amazon, and countless documents published which go into farther depth than this book has.  Make sure to spend time and search for those in order widen your repertoire and be more able to keenly ascertain when such tools are being used against you, and your kith and kin.