Dr. Kelly Brogan – Depression: Busting Myths & Finding Answers

Vid Source: SacredScienceDoc
Zy Marquiez
April 3, 2017

Dr. Kelly Brogan’s book, A Mind Of Your Own – The Truth About Depression, was one of the top 3 Books of the Year for 2016 at The Breakaway. The depth and scope of the information presented within that book was not unlike what Dr. Peter Breggin did in his quintessential Toxic Psychiatry.

Interviewed below, Dr. Brogan goes into many of the pervasive myths taking place within the field while offering her insights on issues within psychiatry.

To learn more about alternative ways of treating depression and other conditions, visit us at http://www.thesacredscience.com/.

A few months ago we had the chance to sit down with Dr. Kelly Brogan, a NYC-based psychiatrist who’s offering a new approach to healing.

Trained in the ways of Western Medicine, but having seen first hand the way the system has evolved into what it is today, under the influence of pharmaceuticals, she is shining the light on some very important truths and turning everything we know about the topic of depression on its head.

The question “is pain and suffering a good thing?” might seem like something only the Dalai Llama would ask, but in our interview, Kelly discusses how going through tough times and hardships actually make us stronger, and equip us with the tools to combat even harder struggles down the line.

If you’re interested in learning about the true meaning of depression and how to treat it the right way, or what we may be losing by the death of the rites of passage, or why all mainstream media outlets said no to sharing the information in her new book “A Mind of Your Own,” even though it was backed by one of the biggest names in publishing, you should definitely watch this interview.

The knowledge she shares will change the way you think about what you or your loved ones have gone through, or are going through now, and more importantly, how to move forward in the best way possible…

2016 Breakaway Books Of The Year

Zy Marquiez
March 8, 2017

A recent conversation with a close friend helped spawn this particular recommendation.  Following salient questions from my friend on what the best books of 2016 might be, the possibilities left me ruminating upon the answers.

Having reviewed 75+ books in 2016, it took a while to narrow down which ones were candidates for the best book in my opinion.  Each and every book had something to offer, although admittedly there were a handful which were quite a letdown.

Although most books reviewed here had something to offer, what follow are the best books considering the topics they cover.

The following books center around health and education.  These are the two most important topics considering they affect everyone.  Without both, we have nothing, and when both are had, the foundation for a better living is at least set.

Book#1:  A Mind Of Your Own – The Truth About Depression & How Women Can Heal Their Bodies To Reclaim Their Lives by Dr. Kelly Brogan [Review Here]

Why is this book important?  Because depression affects more than 30 million people within the United States and even more around the world.  What’s more, the information within this book has the potential to help millions if employed.

Having known a few people with depression, one of which was due to a vitamin deficiency, this topic is very near and dear to my heart.  Such information regarding a vitamin deficiency as the cause of depression will never make it out of the bowels of Big Pharma, after all, since such a simple solution wouldn’t make money. The book is  chock-full of insightful information that would help anyone with health issues, but especially those with depression.

In similar fashion to Dr. Peter Breggin’s Toxic Psychiatry, Dr. Brogan not only absolutely eviscerates the depression is a “chemical imbalance” theory, but she also takes it one step further.  Dr. Brogan states that Depression is not a disease, it’s a SYMPTOM.  Following that very thread, if you treat a symptom, you can NEVER cure a disease, and maybe that’s the point.  By not having to address the core issue of depression, the pharmaceutical companies literally have 30 million people [and growing] to use as cashcows.  That’s quite a disturbing prospect.

The author buttresses her book with over 100 medical references that rip apart much of the nonsense Big Pharma expounds regarding psychiatric medication.

This book would supplement anyone’s library rather well.

Book#2:  Rotten To The (Common) Core:  Public Schooling, Standardized Tests & The Surveillance State by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell & Gary Laurence [Review Here]

Public schooling within America continues to torpedo down the hill, with nigh no end in sight.  Not only does common core continue to consistently create epic failures as the United States features some of the worst public schooling statistics in the world, but the consortium continues to push method, rather than content.  But that’s not the most disturbing part.

In Rotten To The Common Core, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell & Gary Laurence both lay out concrete evidence that in disturbing ways the public schooling system couples directly to CIA MK-Ultra.  The authors touch lightly upon that, while also noting the disturbing implications of the growing Artificial Intelligence that’s going to be seen more and more in the future.

This book is pregnant with implications, and if you have children, or are in any way shape or form concerned about the future, you might want to take a gander at this.  A dumbed down future society is a troublesome prospect already.  But one that has been possibly molded by CIA MK Ultra Mind control, that’s also tied to the surveillance grid, and couples into Artificial Intelligence?  It almost seems like the script for a Hollywood movie.  Shades of Huxley’s Brave New World fused with Orwell’s 1984 to boot.

Book#3:  Eat To Beat DiseaseFood’s Medicinal Qualities by Catherine J. Frompovich [Review Here]

Catherine Frompovich has been putting out high quality work for quite some time.  Frompovich has also written on Vaccinations, Holistic Breast Cancer treatment, and more.

Eat To Beat Disease is a book everyone can put to use.  With diseases of all types increasing out of control, it’s time for a change, and this book provides the foundation for it in spades.

In Eat To Beat Disease, Frompovich details a bevy of information for individuals to take back control of their health doing what they already do – eating.  By using food as part of a common sense regimen, individuals of all types can attain great results.  This book has also helped me personally fine-tune some of my eating habits, and am definitely glad to have read it.  It’s a great reference book as well.

The veritable plethora of information within this book not only offers quality eating advice, but also features a common sense approach to tackling some of the most common ailments.  This book is really a well rounded book, and everyone that has disease, or is struggling with health should really make it a point to read it.

Honorable Mentions:

Finance, Rogue Networks & Secret Sorcery: The Fascist International, 9/11, and Penetrated Operations
by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D [Review Here]

The above book touches upon some of the more nefarious aspects of 9/11 in a way that most 9/11 researchers had not considered, and synthesizes previous information in a manner that’s as intriguing as it is disconcerting.  Highly thought-provoking through and through, this is a must read to understand many of the issues society faces today.

Food Forensics by Mike Adams [Review Here]

Food Forensics is an essential library in understanding toxins within foods.  If you want to know why people continue to get sick, read this book.  It serves as an excellent compliment to Catherine Frompovich’s Eat To Beat Disease.

What books offered you a lot of value/knowledge?  What were some of your favorites?  Make sure to share them below, we would definitely like to hear.

This article is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Zy Marquiez and TheBreakaway.wordpress.com.

Book Review: A Mind Of Your Own: The Truth About Depression And How Women Can Heal Their Bodies To Reclaim Their Lives by Kelly Brogan M.D and Kristin Loberg

Zy Marquiez
March 18, 2016

“Psychiatric diagnosis still relies exclusively on fallible subjective judgments rather than objective biological tests.”
– Dr. Allen Frances, author of Saving Normal

“Probably as much as 75% of the medicine of sickness is unnecessary and its cost can be avoided.”
–  Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot, Author Of The Medical Mafia

Dr. Kelly Brogan’s work first became known to me when she addressed countless health issues in an article she penned years back that was shared via the website GreenMedInfo. From there, she’s been one of my ‘go-to’ alternative medical doctors whose work we attempt to read as much as possible.

Given that, we’ve come to expect high quality information from the author, and she does not disappoint.

A Mind Of Your Own: The Truth About Depression And How Women Can Heal Their Bodies To Reclaim Their Lives by Kelly Brogan M.D and Kristin Loberg, takes the reader through a journey of countless examples of issues regarding medications doled out like candy by Big Pharma and doctors, coupled with other notable concerns within the medical establishment.

As someone who’s had a few friends that have depression, as well as being a person that has great interest in health, the information presented within this book is certainly greatly appreciated.

One of the greatest strengths A Mind Of Your Own showcases is the fact that this book is  chock-full of real data that would shock most people who haven’t begin doing their own research within the health establishment. In fact, some of it can be quite downright disturbing considering how many are affected by medications, which numbers in the untold millions.

Not only is this book a rather quick read, but the reader can see/feel the honesty and concern that have been staples of Brogan throughout her work. This is vital, because in the arena of medicine, there are countless doctors who care more about prescribing pills, than they do about the welfare of the patient and actually solving the problem.  This is known personally to me and my family via my many hospitalizations due to poor health, doing exactly what the doctors claimed.  It was only when seeking my own solutions following nutrition, getting off of medications, and many other issues that true healing began for myself.

This is where Dr. Brogan shines, because is doing what should be undertaken by most, if not all doctors or concerned individuals within the medical establishment, which is outlining the dangers so many people are going through in respect to side effects by the overmedication of America, as well as offering solutions/alternatives to the for-profit medical system.

Brogan’s outlook on the mental health in America is quite unique and reminiscent of another author. In fact, for me, it reminds me of a book called Toxic Psychiatry by Peter R. Breggin M.D., where the author not only outlines problems within the psychiatric establishment, but also, like Brogan, covers issues with medications that most people would consider safe, but aren’t as safe as they are made out to be.

Am not saying that the Dr. Brogan’s work takes from Dr. Breggin. What am saying is however, that both doctors have great concern regarding mainstream health, and seem to share very similar values in how they think patients should be treated in respect to solutions and such. This is just a personal opinion however.

This particular book ventures in a myriad of paths.  It rightly gives an extensive look into the theory of depression and not only how that is flawed but an outright fallacy.  It also covers many of the ways in which depression symptoms can manifest in people, which at times are solved with merely vitamins.  Coupled with that she mentions the little known fact that it only takes two studies to acquire FDA approval.

One would expect, with tens of millions of lives at stake, and with dozens of side effects to boot per medication, a more thorough process would be in place to safeguard against possible iatrogenic circumstances that plague the populace en mass.  But such is not the case.

Another great notion Brogan centers in on within her book is done in her chapter called The Great Psychiatric Pretenders.  Within it, Brogan details not only how the one-size-fits-all type of care that is carried out in America is inefficient, but she also provides a few of the circumstances that create bedlam within individuals and are often categorized as depression, but are incorrectly diagnosed.

It’s imperative to know this because people are walking around thinking a pill is the only solution to their problems when there are many more solutions than they realize.

Brogan also sheds light in a cursory glance at the fact that serious drug fraud has taken place in the past which is unknown to many.

There aren’t many doctors out there standing up for what’s right within medicine, but both Dr. Brogan and a growing number of others are. That is why is so vital to support these people, because they’re in it to help people and refuse to throw people under the bus.

In any case, if you’ve read any of Dr. Brogans work, this will definitely follow suit. She definitely pulls no punches in her journey to not only outlining dangers individuals should be concerned about, but also in offering holistic solutions that many do not realize are available.

If you’ve made it this far, and are really interested in the topic, do yourself a favor and purchase this book. That, or perhaps recommend it to people that might find great value in it, because they will find information that’s not only deep, but quite extensive. The information in this book can really change the course of someone’s life if they realize what’s out there.

In the age of information, ignorance is no excuse, and this book does an outstanding job of erasing mountains of ignorance that otherwise would be everpresent in respect to the mainstream medical establishment if one were not to exposed to it.

Bottom line, not only does Brogan absolutely eviscerate the Depression is a “chemical imbalance” meme with truck loads of data, but she also gives the reader precise methods in which they can retake their health back.

Now, if that’s not self-empowerment, what is?

Book Review: Phantom Self by David Icke

Zy Marquiez
July 10, 2016

“When you’re the only sane person, you look like the only insane person.”
– Criss Jami

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit.  For what each man wishes, he also believes to be true.”
– Demosthenes

David Icke is surely a controversial speaker.

Icke’s work has come to be known as fascinating as it is wide-ranging, and for good reason.   The man will leave no stone unturned.  He’s not afraid of heading into places other people can’t even fathom, and many have come to appreciate this.

In Phantom Self, David Icke does a resounding job of not only showing various methods the system employs to carve out the consciousness from individuals, but he also shows the numerous facets the system has that play a role in making this process possible.

Throughout the book, Icke makes it a point from differentiating that we have two selves, the more superficial version of us that goes through life unaware of the deeper structure of life and reality, and the deeper level of conscious awareness that holds our unending potential, which is rarely tapped by individual.

Phantom Self showcases some of the previous information that Icke has shown, with good reason.  Much of this information is just as vital now, if not more so, as it was in the past.  And things have only gotten worse globally.

Readers of his previous work will be familiar with some of it.  Still, the information that Icke provides and how he distills it is vital to understanding how individuals and society will shed its shackles from the control grid as long as they take the appropriate action.

Issues such as education, media manipulation, propaganda, technology, genetically modified foods, bloodlines, depopulation/eugenics, Agenda 21/Agenda 2030, weather modification, et al are addressed quite extensively throughout.  The push for a transhumanistic future is also saliently detailed by the author.

As an avid researcher, my one qualm with the book is that Icke doesn’t source all of his statements.  He does provide quite a few sources, but a lot of the information that he writes as ‘matter of fact’ would be much stronger if he at least buttressed those statements with how he came to those conclusions.  There’s nothing wrong with giving your opinions about a matter, and they surely might be facts mind you, however, in order for some people to visualize the extent of control and corruption they will need to see a roadmap.  A roadmap is made up of those signposts, and those signposts in research are sources.

Be that as it may, that last fact doesn’t detract from the book.  Phanton Self provides more than ample information for it to be worth one’s money.

How icke chose to conclude the book resonates quite well, and certainly makes a lot of sense.

Its through individual self awareness and realization of our deeper conscious state that we as individuals will be able to see that we are the solution to the system.

Aggression will not be the solution to overturning the system.  In fact, the opposite is the case.  The system is ready for aggression in more ways than most realize.  Once we realize the depth of the power of our true selves – the power of the love for another – we will be able to detach ourselves from the meaningless and head on a new path.

The system will be changed only by people removing their support from it in every way shape or form.  Then, and only then will we be able to birth a new process and reign in the beginnings on the morrow.

As Ghandi once said:

“You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees.  An evil system never deserves such allegiance.  Allegiance to it means partaking of this evil.  A good person will resist an evil system with his or her own soul.”

Book Review: Toxic Psychiatry – Peter R. Breggin, M.D.

Zy Marquiez
June 12, 2016

World renown Harvard-trained psychiatrist, author, and researcher Dr. Peter R. Breggin, M.D. unleashes a tour de force in his book Toxic Psychiatry that blows an enormous hole into conventional mainstream medical thought.

Dr. Breggin completely eviscerates the mainstream ‘chemical imbalance’ garbage that has been spewed for decades, and he does so in a logical, caring, and unprecedented manner.

The book to me is highly reminiscent of Dr. Brogans recent landmark book A Mind Of Your Own – The Truth About DepressionBoth authors – Breggin & Brogan – in each of their respective books seeks to do the same: destroy the fallacy of “chemical imbalance causes depression” with mountains of scientific evidence while also showcasing some common sense solutions the individual can seek.  For that, each individual should be taken seriously and supported as much as possible.

Moving on, as Dr. Breggins book outlines rather methodically, there is no biological basis for the chemical imbalance theory of depression carried out by the mainstream psychiatric establishment.  This is buttressed by endless data supplied by the author.

In addition, Dr. Breggin sifts through examples of drugs like Lithium, Haldol, Halcion, Prozac & Xanax breaking down study after study after study regarding these drugs and their side effects in a way that mainstream media will never do. After all, Big Pharma pays mainstream media’s bills; who else do you think pays for the tsunami of advertisement we see on TV?

Of course, many folks are on a hair trigger when it comes to solving maladies with pills, and there’s a big reason for this.  Big Pharma/Big Medica has played a megalithic role in how people view drugs, and how people have access to information regarding them.

While in other countries it is downright illegal for Big Pharma to advertise, in America, such is par for the course.  America is one of only two countries in the world that allow this unfortunately.

How does that last fact couple with Dr. Breggin’s book?

As other doctors and investigators have mentioned, it’s no coincidence that there’s been an enormous upswing in how many people take antipsychotic medications over the last few decades.  With over 30 Million Americans taking antipsychotic medications, Big Pharma & the media have been highly instrumental in getting those very individuals asking their doctors for medications.

After all, the Big Pharma advertising engine has created an unprecedented upswing in drug use where Americans now end up taking 1.4 Billion prescriptions yearly.

Disturbingly, as the Dr. Breggin attests, “People assume that FDA approval and the widespread distribution of a drug – with many patients taking it for months or years – means that long-term studies have found it safe in regard to side effects, drug interactions, dependency, addition, and withdrawal.  Thus FDA approval grossly misleads the public, lulling it into an unfounded security.

The PDR admits that Prozac’s effectiveness has not been tested in controlled trials of “more than 5 or 6 weeks” and that “long-term” usefulness has therefore not been demonstrated.”[1]

Statements such as those should make sensible individuals pause.

Of course, many of those prescriptions are still doled out by psychiatrists/psychologists in the tens of millions.

However, this book does not end up pushing a no-medication type of solution.   The author instead strives for a multi-solution approach, where he cites some examples of how other types of alternative care could help individuals if they so chose.

Ultimately, a great component of what the author recommends is fostering an atmosphere of utmost caring, which should have already taken place by now had the system not been so corrupt.

Listening, and doing so patiently would go a much longer way than prescribing most folks more prescription drugs.  Such a simple choice would solve so many inherent issues.

The system that Dr. Breggin expounds upon should be adopted, or at minimum elaborated upon.

After all, if the current Big Psych industry was doing its job, people would be getting cured, drug use would decline and not increase, and overall health would also get better.   However, we know the opposite is taking place.

Ironically, as some have stated, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the very definition of insanity.  To that effect, that’s exactly what the Psychiatric & Medical Establishment have been doing, and health in America has only gotten worse.

Its time for a change.  This book helps lay part of that much-needed foundation.

[1] Peter R. Breggin, M.D., Toxic Psychiatry,  P168-169

P.S. For those curious about more avenues regarding health, besides Dr. Breggin, other great doctors that might be of interest to many of you would be as mentioned before Dr. Brogan, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Duzanne Humphries, Dr. Sircus, Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride, Dr. Russell Blaylock, Tetyana Obukhanych Ph.D and the work of Sarah Ballantyne PhD. These people all put out very high quality information regularly and are concerned with various aspects of health. But don’t take my word for it, do your own research so you can be better informed.