Breakaway Guide To Censorship, Disinformation, Logical Fallacies & More

TheBreakaway | BreakawayConciousness
Zy Marquiez
May 18, 2017

As a preamble, let me preface this with a big thanks of appreciation to all of those individuals who have contributed to the crucial information provided below and who have sought to make it available to everyone.

Now, in order to learn how to navigate through the nefarious web of deception created these days within all types of media, there will be five distinct articles cited at length that outline information that’s quite vital for incisive individuals to know so they can become self-sufficient in their ability to discern the truth from veritable smoke screens.  It is suggested these are studied regularly until they are learned given how important and efficient they are.

Logical Fallacies will be the first tool addressed.  This is because logic is arguably one of the most important – if not the most important – tool an individual will have at their disposal in order to maneuver through their everyday life more efficiently, especially when dealing with the daily nonsense that the establishment and mainstream media espouses.  For those seeking additional information on Logic, please read 13 Great Reasons To Study Logic, and Socratic Logic V3.1 by Peter Kreeft Ph.D.

We will commence by citing a piece that was shared earlier this year.

In Logical Fallacies Employed In Every Day Life, we shared:

What is a logical fallacy?

A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning. Strong arguments are void of logical fallacies, whilst arguments that are weak tend to use logical fallacies to appear stronger than they are. They’re like tricks or illusions of thought, and they’re often very sneakily used by politicians, media, and others to fool people. Below follow some of the more common fallacies.

Misrepresenting Someone’s Argument To Make It Easier To Attack
By exaggerating, misrepresenting, or just completely fabricating someone’s argument, it’s much easier to prevent your own position as being reasonable, but this is kind of dishonest and serves to undermine honest rational debate.
Example: After will said we should put more money into health and education, Warren responded by saying he was surprised that Will hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenseless by cutting military spending.

Slippery Slope
Asserting That If We Allow A to happen, then Z will consequently happen too, therefore A should not happen.
The problem with this reasoning is that it avoids engaging with the issue at hand, and instead shifts attention to extreme hypotheticals. Because no proof is presented to show that such extreme hypotheticals will in fact occur, this fallacy has the form of an appeal to emotion fallacy by leveraging fear. In effect the argument at hand is unfairly tainted by unsubstantiated conjecture.
Example: Colin Closet asserts that if we allow same-sex couples to marry, then the next thing we know we’ll be allowing people to marry their parents, their cars and even monkeys.

False Cause
Presuming that a real or perceived relationship between things means that one is the cause of the other.
: Pointing to a fancy chart, a Senator shows how temperatures have been rising over the past few centuries, whilst at the same time the numbers of terrorist attacks have been increasing; thus global warming causes terrorism. [Don’t believe me? Look it up – an actual senator that said this.]

Ad Hominem
Attacking your opponent’s character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.
Example: After Sally presents an eloquent and compelling case for a more equitable taxation system, Sam asks the audience whether we should believe anything from a woman who isn’t married, was once arrested, and smells a bit weird.

Special Pleading
Moving the goalposts to create exceptions when a claim is shown to be false.
Example: Edward Johns claimed to be psychic, but when his ‘abilities’ were tested under proper scientific conditions, they magically disappeared. Edward explained this saying that one had to have faith in his abilities for them to work.

Loaded Question
Asking a question that has an assumption built into it so that it can’t be answered without appearing guilty.
Example: Grace and Helen were both romantically interested in Brad. One day, with Brad sitting within earshot, Grace asked in an inquisitive tone whether Helen was having any problems with a fungal infection.

The Gambler’s Fallacy
Believing that ‘runs’ occur to statistically independent phenomena such as roulette wheel spins.
Example: Red had come up six times in a row on the roulette wheel, so Greg knew that it was close to certain that black would be next up. Suffering an economic form of natural selection with this thinking, he soon lost all of his savings.

Appealing to popularity or the fact that many people do something as an attempted form of validation.
Example: Shamus pointed a drunken finger at Sean and asked him to explain how so many people could believe in leprechauns if they’re only a silly old superstition. Sean, however, had had a few too many Guinness himself and fell off his chair.

Where two alternative states are presented as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist.
Example: Whilst rallying support for his plan to fundamentally undermine citizens’ rights, the Supreme Leader told the people they were either on his side, or on the side of the enemy. [Note: George Bush did this by the way…]

Begging The Questions
A circular argument in which the conclusion is included in the premise.
Example: The word of Zorbo the Great is flawless and perfect. We know this because it says so in The Great and Infallible Book of Zorbo’s Best and Most Truest Things that are Definitely True and Should Not Ever Be Questioned.

Appeal To Authority
Using the opinion or position of an authority figure, or institution of authority, in place of an actual argument.
Example: When an individual states that vaccines are safe just because doctors say so, even though countless studies can be cited to eviscerate the ‘safety’ argument.

Appeal To Nature
Making the argument that because something is ‘natural’ it is therefore valid, justified, inevitable, good, or ideal.
Example: The medicine man rolled into town on his bandwagon offering various natural remedies, such as very special plain water. He said that it was only natural that people should be wary of ‘artificial’ medicines such as antibiotics. The converse is also true, which could be in a way called Appeal To Technology/Science.

Composition / Division
Assuming that what’s true about one part of something has to be applied to all, or other, parts of it.
Example: Daniel was a precocious child and had a liking for logic. He reasoned that atoms are invisible, and that he was made of atoms and therefore invisible too. Unfortunately, despite his thinky skills, he lost the game of hide and go seek.

Using personal experience or an isolated example instead of a valid argument.
Example: Jason said that that was all cool and everything, but his grandfather smoked, like, 30 cigarettes a day and lived until 97 – so don’t believe everything you read about meta analyses of sound studies showing proven causal relationships.

Appeal To Emotion
Manipulating an emotional response in place of a valid or compelling argument.
Example: Luke didn’t want to eat his sheep’s brains with chopped liver and brussels sprouts, but his father told him to think about the poor, starving children in a third world country who weren’t fortunate enough to have any food at all.

The Fallacy Fallacy
Presuming that because a claim has been poorly argued, or a fallacy has been made, that it is necessarily wrong.
Example: Recognizing that Amanda had committed a fallacy in arguing that we should eat healthy food because a nutritionist said it was popular, Alyse said we should therefore eat bacon double cheeseburgers every day.

Tu Quoque
Avoiding having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser – answering criticism with criticism.
Example: The blue candidate accused the red candidate of committing the tu quoque fallacy. The red candidate responded by accusing the blue candidate of the same, after which ensued an hour of back and forth criticism with not much progress.

Personal Incredulity
Saying that because one finds something difficult to understand that it’s therefore not true.
Example: Kirk drew a picture of a fish and a human and with effusive disdain asked Richard if he really thought we were stupid enough to believe that a fish somehow turned into a human through just, like, random things happening over time.

Burden Of Proof
Saying that the burden of proof lies not with the person making the claim, but with someone else to disprove.
Examples: Bertrand declares that a teapot is, at this very moment, in orbit around the Sun between the Earth and Mars, and that because no one can prove him wrong his claim is therefore a valid one.

Using double meanings or ambiguities of language to mislead or misrepresent the truth.
Example: When the judge asked the defendant why he hadn’t paid his parking fines, he said that he shouldn’t have to pay them because the sign said ‘Fine for parking here’ and so he naturally presumed that it would be fine to park there.

No True Scotsman
Making what could be called an appeal to purity as a way to dismiss relevant criticisms or flaws of an argument.
Example: Angus declares that Scotsmen do not put sugar on their porridge, to which Lachlan points out that he is a Scotsman and puts sugar on his porridge. Furious, like atrue Scot, Angus yells that no true Scotsman sugars his porridge.

Judging something good or bad on the basis of where it comes from, or from whom it comes.
Example: Accused on the 6 o’clock news of corruption and taking bribes, the senator said that we should all be very wary of the things we hear in the media, because we all know how very unreliable the media can be.

The Texas Sharpshooter
Cherry-picking data clusters to suit an argument, or finding a pattern to fit a presumption.
Example: The makers of Sugarette Candy Drinks point to research showing that of the five countries where Sugarette drinks sell the most units, three of them are in the top ten healthiest countries on Earth, therefore Sugarette drinks are healthy.

Middle Ground
Saying that a compromise, or middle point, between two extremes is the truth.
Example: Holly said that vaccinations are safe, but her scientifically well-read friend Caleb said that this claim was untrue because there were dozens of studies proving otherwise. Their friend Alice offered a compromise that vaccinations are sometimes safe.


Next we will proceed by citing various ways truth if often suppressed.  Many of these techniques are seen nigh daily, which is why its important to remain cognizant of them.

In Thirteen Techniques For Truth Suppression, David Martin of [] writes:

Strong, credible allegations of high-level criminal activity can bring down a government. When the government lacks an effective, fact-based defense, other techniques must be employed. The success of these techniques depends heavily upon a cooperative, compliant press and a mere token opposition party.

  1. Dummy up. If it’s not reported, if it’s not news, it didn’t happen.
  2. Wax indignant. This is also known as the “how dare you?” gambit.
  3. Characterize the charges as “rumors” or, better yet, “wild rumors.” If, in spite of the news blackout, the public is still able to learn about the suspicious facts, it can only be through “rumors.”
  4. Knock down straw men. Deal only with the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Even better, create your own straw men. Make up wild rumors and give them lead play when you appear to debunk all the charges, real and fanciful alike.
  5. Call the skeptics names like “conspiracy theorist,” “nut,” “ranter,” “kook,” “crackpot,” and of course, “rumor monger.” You must then carefully avoid fair and open debate with any of the people you have thus maligned.
  6. Impugn motives. Attempt to marginalize the critics by suggesting strongly that they are not really interested in the truth but are simply pursuing a partisan political agenda or are out to make money.
  7. Invoke authority. Here the controlled press and the sham opposition can be very useful.
  8. Dismiss the charges as “old news.”
  9. Come half-clean. This is also known as “confession and avoidance” or “taking the limited hang-out route.” This way, you create the impression of candor and honesty while you admit only to relatively harmless, less-than-criminal “mistakes.” This stratagem often requires the embrace of a fall-back position quite different from the one originally taken.
  10. Characterize the crimes as impossibly complex and the truth as ultimately unknowable.
  11. Reason backward, using the deductive method with a vengeance. With thoroughly rigorous deduction, troublesome evidence is irrelevant. For example: We have a completely free press. If they know of evidence that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) had prior knowledge of the Oklahoma City bombing they would have reported it. They haven’t reported it, so there was no prior knowledge by the BATF. Another variation on this theme involves the likelihood of a conspiracy leaker and a press that would report it.
  12. Require the skeptics to solve the crime completely.
  13. Change the subject. This technique includes creating and/or reporting a distraction.


Tackling the fundamentals in Disinformation – How It Works, Brandon Smith [] writes:

There was a time, not too long ago (relatively speaking), that governments and the groups of elites that controlled them did not find it necessary to conscript themselves into wars of disinformation.

Propaganda was relatively straightforward. The lies were much simpler. The control of information flow was easily directed. Rules were enforced with the threat of property confiscation and execution for anyone who strayed from the rigid socio-political structure. Those who had theological, metaphysical or scientific information outside of the conventional and scripted collective world view were tortured and slaughtered. The elites kept the information to themselves, and removed its remnants from mainstream recognition, sometimes for centuries before it was rediscovered.

With the advent of anti-feudalism, and most importantly the success of the American Revolution, elitists were no longer able to dominate information with the edge of a blade or the barrel of a gun. The establishment of Republics, with their philosophy of open government and rule by the people, compelled Aristocratic minorities to plot more subtle ways of obstructing the truth and thus maintaining their hold over the world without exposing themselves to retribution from the masses. Thus, the complex art of disinformation was born.

The technique, the “magic” of the lie, was refined and perfected. The mechanics of the human mind and the human soul became an endless obsession for the establishment.

The goal was malicious, but socially radical; instead of expending the impossible energy needed to dictate the very form and existence of the truth, they would allow it to drift, obscured in a fog of contrived data. They would wrap the truth in a Gordian Knot of misdirection and fabrication so elaborate that they felt certain the majority of people would surrender, giving up long before they ever finished unraveling the deceit. The goal was not to destroy the truth, but to hide it in plain sight.

In modern times, and with carefully engineered methods, this goal has for the most part been accomplished. However, these methods also have inherent weaknesses. Lies are fragile. They require constant attentiveness to keep them alive. The exposure of a single truth can rip through an ocean of lies, evaporating it instantly.

In this article, we will examine the methods used to fertilize and promote the growth of disinformation, as well as how to identify the roots of disinformation and effectively cut them, starving out the entire system of fallacies once and for all.

Media Disinformation Methods

The mainstream media, once tasked with the job of investigating government corruption and keeping elitists in line, has now become nothing more than a public relations firm for corrupt officials and their Globalist handlers. The days of the legitimate “investigative reporter” are long gone (if they ever existed at all), and journalism itself has deteriorated into a rancid pool of so called “TV Editorialists” who treat their own baseless opinions as supported fact.

The elitist co-opting of news has been going on in one form or another since the invention of the printing press. However, the first methods of media disinformation truly came to fruition under the supervision of newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst, who believed the truth was “subjective” and open to his personal interpretation.

Some of the main tactics used by the mainstream media to mislead the masses are as follows:

Lie Big, Retract Quietly: Mainstream media sources (especially newspapers) are notorious for reporting flagrantly dishonest and unsupported news stories on the front page, then quietly retracting those stories on the very back page when they are caught. In this case, the point is to railroad the lie into the collective consciousness. Once the lie is finally exposed, it is already too late, and a large portion of the population will not notice or care when the truth comes out.

Unconfirmed Or Controlled Sources As Fact: Cable news venues often cite information from “unnamed” sources, government sources that have an obvious bias or agenda, or “expert” sources without providing an alternative “expert” view. The information provided by these sources is usually backed by nothing more than blind faith.

Calculated Omission: Otherwise known as “cherry picking” data. One simple piece of information or root item of truth can derail an entire disinfo news story, so instead of trying to gloss over it, they simply pretend as if it doesn’t exist. When the fact is omitted, the lie can appear entirely rational. This tactic is also used extensively when disinformation agents and crooked journalists engage in open debate.

Distraction, And The Manufacture Of Relevance: Sometimes the truth wells up into the public awareness regardless of what the media does to bury it. When this occurs their only recourse is to attempt to change the public’s focus and thereby distract them from the truth they were so close to grasping. The media accomplishes this by “over-reporting” on a subject that has nothing to do with the more important issues at hand. Ironically, the media can take an unimportant story, and by reporting on it ad nauseum, cause many Americans to assume that because the media won’t shut-up about it, it must be important!

Dishonest Debate Tactics: Sometimes, men who actually are concerned with the average American’s pursuit of honesty and legitimate fact-driven information break through and appear on T.V. However, rarely are they allowed to share their views or insights without having to fight through a wall of carefully crafted deceit and propaganda. Because the media know they will lose credibility if they do not allow guests with opposing viewpoints every once in a while, they set up and choreograph specialized T.V. debates in highly restrictive environments which put the guest on the defensive, and make it difficult for them to clearly convey their ideas or facts.

TV pundits are often trained in what are commonly called “Alinsky Tactics.” Saul Alinsky was a moral relativist, and champion of the lie as a tool for the “greater good”; essentially, a modern day Machiavelli. His “Rules for Radicals” were supposedly meant for grassroots activists who opposed the establishment and emphasized the use of any means necessary to defeat one’s political opposition. But is it truly possible to defeat an establishment built on lies, by use of even more elaborate lies, and by sacrificing one’s ethics? In reality, his strategies are the perfect format for corrupt institutions and governments to dissuade dissent from the masses. Today, Alinsky’s rules are used more often by the establishment than by its opposition.
Alinsky’s Strategy: Win At Any Cost, Even If You Have To Lie

Alinsky’s tactics have been adopted by governments and disinformation specialists across the world, but they are most visible in TV debate. While Alinsky sermonized about the need for confrontation in society, his debate tactics are actually designed to circumvent real and honest confrontation of opposing ideas with slippery tricks and diversions. Alinsky’s tactics, and their modern usage, can be summarized as follows:

1) Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.

We see this tactic in many forms. For example, projecting your own movement as mainstream, and your opponent’s as fringe. Convincing your opponent that his fight is a futile one. Your opposition may act differently, or even hesitate to act at all, based on their perception of your power. How often have we heard this line: “The government has predator drones. There is nothing the people can do now…” This is a projection of exaggerated invincibility designed to elicit apathy from the masses.

2) Never go outside the experience of your people, and whenever possible, go outside of the experience of the enemy.

Don’t get drawn into a debate about a subject you do not know as well as or better than your opposition. If possible, draw them into such a situation instead. Go off on tangents. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty in your opposition. This is commonly used against unwitting interviewees on cable news shows whose positions are set up to be skewered. The target is blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they are then forced to address. In television and radio, this also serves to waste broadcast time to prevent the target from expressing his own position.

3) Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

The objective is to target the opponent’s credibility and reputation by accusations of hypocrisy. If the tactician can catch his opponent in even the smallest misstep, it creates an opening for further attacks, and distracts away from the broader moral question.

4) Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

“Ron Paul is a crackpot.” “Gold bugs are crazy.” “Constitutionalists are fringe extremists.” Baseless ridicule is almost impossible to counter because it is meant to be irrational. It infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage. It also works as a pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

5) A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.

The popularization of the term “Teabaggers” is a classic example; it caught on by itself because people seem to think it’s clever, and enjoy saying it. Keeping your talking points simple and fun helps your side stay motivated, and helps your tactics spread autonomously, without instruction or encouragement.

6) A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

See rule No. 5. Don’t become old news. If you keep your tactics fresh, it’s easier to keep your people active. Not all disinformation agents are paid. The “useful idiots” have to be motivated by other means. Mainstream disinformation often changes gear from one method to the next and then back again.

7) Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.

Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. Never give the target a chance to rest, regroup, recover or re-strategize. Take advantage of current events and twist their implications to support your position. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

8) The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

This goes hand in hand with Rule No. 1. Perception is reality. Allow your opposition to expend all of its energy in expectation of an insurmountable scenario. The dire possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.

9) The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

The objective of this pressure is to force the opposition to react and make the mistakes that are necessary for the ultimate success of the campaign.

10) If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside.

As grassroots activism tools, Alinsky tactics have historically been used (for example, by labor movements or covert operations specialists) to force the opposition to react with violence against activists, which leads to popular sympathy for the activists’ cause. Today, false (or co-opted) grassroots movements and revolutions use this technique in debate as well as in planned street actions and rebellions (look at Syria for a recent example).

11) The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem. Today, this is often used offensively against legitimate activists, such as the opponents of the Federal Reserve. Complain that your opponent is merely “pointing out the problems.” Demand that they offer not just “a solution”, but THE solution. Obviously, no one person has “the” solution. When he fails to produce the miracle you requested, dismiss his entire argument and all the facts he has presented as pointless.

12) Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.

Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. The target’s supporters will expose themselves. Go after individual people, not organizations or institutions. People hurt faster than institutions.

The next time you view an MSM debate, watch the pundits carefully, you will likely see many if not all of the strategies above used on some unsuspecting individual attempting to tell the truth.
Internet Disinformation Methods

Internet trolls, also known as “paid posters” or “paid bloggers,” are increasingly and openly being employed by private corporations as well governments, often for marketing purposes and for “public relations” (Obama is notorious for this practice). Internet “trolling” is indeed a fast growing industry.

Trolls use a wide variety of strategies, some of which are unique to the internet, here are just a few:

  1. Make outrageous comments designed to distract or frustrate: An Alinsky tactic used to make people emotional, although less effective because of the impersonal nature of the Web.
  2. Pose as a supporter of the truth, then make comments that discredit the movement: We have seen this even on our own forums — trolls pose as supporters of the Liberty Movement, then post long, incoherent diatribes so as to appear either racist or insane. The key to this tactic is to make references to common Liberty Movement arguments while at the same time babbling nonsense, so as to make those otherwise valid arguments seem ludicrous by association. In extreme cases, these “Trojan Horse Trolls” have been known to make posts which incite violence — a technique obviously intended to solidify the false assertions of the think tank propagandists like the SPLC, which purports that Constitutionalists should be feared as potential domestic terrorists.
  3. Dominate Discussions: Trolls often interject themselves into productive Web discussions in order to throw them off course and frustrate the people involved.
  4. Prewritten Responses: Many trolls are supplied with a list or database with pre-planned talking points designed as generalized and deceptive responses to honest arguments. When they post, their words feel strangely plastic and well rehearsed.
  5. False Association: This works hand in hand with item No. 2, by invoking the stereotypes established by the “Trojan Horse Troll.” For example: calling those against the Federal Reserve “conspiracy theorists” or “lunatics”; deliberately associating anti-globalist movements with racists and homegrown terrorists, because of the inherent negative connotations; and using false associations to provoke biases and dissuade people from examining the evidence objectively.
  6. False Moderation: Pretending to be the “voice of reason” in an argument with obvious and defined sides in an attempt to move people away from what is clearly true into a “grey area” where the truth becomes “relative.”
  7. Straw Man Arguments: A very common technique. The troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to a certain point of view, even if he does not, and then attacks that point of view. Or, the troll will put words in the mouth of his opposition, and then rebut those specific words.

Sometimes, these strategies are used by average people with serious personality issues. However, if you see someone using these tactics often, or using many of them at the same time, you may be dealing with a paid internet troll.

Stopping Disinformation

The best way to disarm disinformation agents is to know their methods inside and out. This gives us the ability to point out exactly what they are doing in detail the moment they try to do it. Immediately exposing a disinformation tactic as it is being used is highly destructive to the person utilizing it. It makes them look foolish, dishonest and weak for even making the attempt. Internet trolls most especially do not know how to handle their methods being deconstructed right in front of their eyes and usually fold and run from debate when it occurs.

The truth is precious. It is sad that there are so many in our society who have lost respect for it; people who have traded in their conscience and their soul for temporary financial comfort while sacrificing the stability and balance of the rest of the country in the process.

The human psyche breathes on the air of truth. Without it, humanity cannot survive. Without it, the species will collapse, starving from lack of intellectual and emotional sustenance.

Disinformation does not only threaten our insight into the workings of our world; it makes us vulnerable to fear, misunderstanding, and doubt: all things that lead to destruction. It can drive good people to commit terrible atrocities against others, or even against themselves. Without a concerted and organized effort to diffuse mass-produced lies, the future will look bleak indeed.


Knowing how disinformation works, now we will take a gander at 25 Rules Of Disinformation that were written by H. Michael Sweeney, although we found them personally at

Preface: This handy set of rules covers most of the games which disinformation artists play on the Internet (and offline). When you know the tricks, you’ll be able to spot the games. Even if you’ve read this list before, you might be surprised at how useful it is to brush up on these tricks.

1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don’t discuss it — especially if you are a public figure, news anchor, etc. If it’s not reported, it didn’t happen, and you never have to deal with the issues.

  1. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the “How dare you!” gambit.
  2. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such “arguable rumors”. If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a “wild rumor” which can have no basis in fact.
  3. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.
  4. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.
  5. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning — simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent’s viewpoint.
  6. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could so taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.
  7. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough “jargon” and “minutiae” to illustrate you are “one who knows”, and simply say it isn’t so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.
  8. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues with denial they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.
  9. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with. Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually them be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues — so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.
  10. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the “high road” and “confess” with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made — but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, “just isn’t so.” Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later. Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for “coming clean” and “owning up” to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.
  11. Enigmas have no solution. Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to loose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues.
  12. Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards with an apparent deductive logic in a way that forbears any actual material fact.
  13. Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best for items qualifying for rule 10.
  14. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.
  15. Vanishing evidence and witnesses. If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won’t have to address the issue.
  16. Change the subject. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can “argue” with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.
  17. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can’t do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how “sensitive they are to criticism”.
  18. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the “play dumb” rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon). In order to completely avoid discussing issues may require you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.
  19. False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.
  20. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed an unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict (usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim) is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed.
  21. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.
  22. Create bigger distractions. If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes.
  23. Silence critics. If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by proper intimidation with blackmail or other threats.
  24. Vanish. If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.


Now to anchor all of the above information, we will cite How To Spot – And Defeat – Disruption On The Internet which comes from

We’ve seen a number of tactics come and go over the years.  Here are the ones we see a lot of currently.

  1. Start a partisan divide-and-conquer fight or otherwise push emotional buttons to sow discord and ensure that cooperation is thwarted.   Get people fighting against each other instead of the corrupt powers-that-be.  Use baseless caricatures to rile everyone up.  For example,  start a religious war whenever possible using stereotypes like “all Jews are selfish”, “all Christians are crazy” or “all Muslims are terrorists”.  Accuse the author of being a gay, pro-abortion limp-wristed wimp  or being a fundamentalist pro-war hick when the discussion has nothing to do with abortion, sexuality, religion, war or region.  Appeal to people’s basest prejudices and biases. And – as Sweeney explains – push the author into a defensive posture:

Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule … Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

  1. Pretend it’s hopeless because we’ll be squashed if we try.  For example, every time a whistleblower leaks information, say “he’s going to be bumped off”.   If people talk about protesting, organizing, boycotting, shareholder activism, spreading the real facts, moving our money or taking other constructive action, write things to scare and discourage people, say something like  “we don’t have any chance because they have drones and they’ll just kill us if we try”,  or “Americans are too stupid, lazy and greedy, so they’ll never help out.”  Encourage people to be apathetic instead of trying to change things.
  2. Demand complete, fool-proof and guaranteed solutions to the problems being discussed.   For example, if a reporter breaks the story that the big banks conspired to rig a market, ask “given that people are selfish and that no regulation can close all possible loopholes … how are you going to change human nature?”, and pretend that it’s not worth talking about the details of the market manipulation.  This discourages people from reporting on and publicizing the corruption, fraud and other real problems.  And it ensures that not enough people will spread the facts so that the majority know what’s really going on.
  3. Suggest extreme, over-the-top, counter-productive solutions which will hurt more than help, or which are wholly disproportionate to what is being discussed.   For example, if the discussion is whether or not to break up the big banks or to go back on the gold standard, say that everyone over 30  should be killed because they are sell-outs and irredeemable, or that all of the banks should be bombed. This discredits the attempt to spread the facts and to organize, and is simply the web method of the provocateur.
  4. Pretend that alternative media – such as blogs written by the top experts in their fields, without any middleman – are untrustworthy or are motivated solely by money (for example, use the derogatory term “blogspam” for any blog posting, pretending that there is no original or insightful reporting, but that the person is simply doing it for ad revenue).
  5. Coordinate with a couple of others to “shout down” reasonable comments.  This is especially effective when the posters launch an avalanche of comments in quick succession … the original, reasonable comment gets lost or attacked so much that it is largely lost.
  6. Use an army of sock puppets.  You can either hire low-wage workers in India or other developing countries to “astroturf” or – if you work for the government – you can use hire military personnel and subcontractors to monitor social media and “correct” information which you don’t like (and see this), or use software which allows you to quickly create and alternate between numerous false identities, each with their own internet address.
  7. Censor social media, so that the hardest-hitting information is buried. If you can’t censor it, set up “free speech zones” to push dissent into dank, dark corners where no one will see it.
  8. When the powers-that-be cut corners and take criminally reckless gambles with our lives and our livelihoods, protect them by pretending that the inevitable result – nuclear accidents, financial crisesterrorist attacks or other disasters – were “unforeseeable” and that “no could have known”.
  9. Protect the rich and powerful by labeling any allegations of criminal activity as being a “conspiracy theory”.  For example, when Goldman gets caught rigging markets, label the accusations as mere conspiracies.

The following 4 tactics from Sweeney are also still commonly used …

  1. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the “How dare you!” gambit.
  2. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.
  3. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to-the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning — simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent’s viewpoint.
  4. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could so taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.
  5. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with. Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually them be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues — so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.

Postscript:  Over a number of years, we’ve found that the most effective way to fight disruption and disinformation is to link to a post such as this one which rounds up disruption techniques, and then to cite the disinfo technique you think is being used.

Specifically, we’ve found the following format to be highly effective in educating people in a non-confrontational manner about what the disrupting person is doing:

Good Number 1!


Thanks for that textbook example of Number 7!

(include the link so people can see what you’re referring to.)

The reason this is effective is that other readers will learn about the specific disruption tactic being used … in context, like seeing wildlife while holding a wildlife guide, so that one learns what it looks like “in the field”.   At the same time, you come across as humorous and light-hearted instead of heavy-handed or overly-intense.


The above amalgamation of tools, techniques, tips, and data points should not only be able to help individuals ascertain the modus operandi used against them regarding censorship, disinformation, deception et al. but also assist in what to do in response to them where applicable.

Be it a newcomer, or an old timer, this information will serve as an excellent foundation for those looking to learn the ways that the establishment casts its nefarious webs, or perhaps serve as a review to those that have been doing this for a long time.

Make sure to review it from time to time in order to make sure it’s not forgotten.


Suggested resources reviewed below for those seeking ideas to self-teach and become autodidacts:

7 Phenomenal Books For Homeschoolers, Self-Directed Learners & Autodidacts
13 Great Reasons To Study Logic
Open Source Education – Examples
What’s An Elite Education?  Famous Teacher Explains
Socratic Logic V3.1 by Peter Kreeft Ph.D.
The Trivium – The Liberal Arts Of Grammar & Rhetoric by Sister Miriam Joseph Ph.D.
How To Read A Book – The Classic Guide To Intelligent Reading by Mortimer J. Adler & Charles Van Doren
Philosophy 101 – An Introduction To Philosophy Via Plato’s Apology by Peter Kreeft Ph.D.
The Complete Workbook For Arguments – A Complete Course In Critical Thinking [2nd Ed.] by David R. Morrow & Anthony Weston
The Imaginative Argument – A Practical Manifesto For Writers by Frank L. Cioffi
Sherlock Holmes – The Complete Stories by Arthur Conan Doyle

The following books reviewed below cover the disturbing issues within the public schooling system:

Rotten To The Common Core by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D.& Gary Lawrence
Dumbing Us Down – The Hidden Curriculum Of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto
A Different Kind Of Teacher – Solving The Crisis Of American Schooling by John Taylor Gatto
Weapons Of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto
Drilling Through The Core, by Sandra Stotsky & Contributors

Related Links:

The True Purpose Of Modern Schooling
How A Generation Lots Its Culture by Professor Patrick Deneen
Underground History Of American Education With John Taylor Gatto
The Pathological Methodology Of Forced Schooling
Charlotte Iserbyt – The Secret History Of Western Education [Full Documentary]
Against School – How Public Education Cripples Our Kids & Why
Lessons From IKEA Founder & MIT Admissions Director
What Is Education?  Elite Curriculum

This article is free and open source.  All individuals are encouraged to share this content and have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Zy Marquiez and
About The Author:

Zy Marquiez is an avid book reviewer, researcher, an open-minded skeptic, yogi, humanitarian, and freelance writer who studies and mirrors regularly subjects like Consciousness, Education, Creativity, The Individual, Ancient History & Ancient Civilizations, Forbidden Archaeology, Big Pharma, Alternative Health, Space, Geoengineering, Social Engineering, Propaganda, and much more.

His other blog, features mainly his personal work, while serves as a media portal which mirrors vital information nigh always ignored by mainstream press, but still highly crucial to our individual understanding of various facets of the world.

Book Review: A.D. After Disclosure by Richard Dolan & Bryce Zabel | #SmartReads

TheBreakaway | BreakawayConciousness
Zy Marquiez
May 17, 2017

A.D. After Disclosure – When The Government Finally Reveals The Truth About Alien Contact by Richard Dolan & Bryce Zabel is a book for tomorrow, a book for the future.  A.D. is a book that seeks to investigate the possible outcomes of what the nascent stages of a post-disclosure will look like.

The book is based on the following premise:

“Most people now reject the theory that all sightings can be explained away as weather balloons, swamp gas, flares, ball lighting, or mass hallucination.  Instead, they have settled on one conclusion:  Some UFOs appear to be intelligently controlled physical craft of some kind from some place that is not here.”[1]

With that premise firmly established, Dolan  & Zabel seek to answer the following questions:  Whenever secrecy on UFOs and alien contact ends, what will take place?  How will the world, and governments, react?  How will commerce, business, religions, et al, all react?

Countless scenarios and implications abound, and that is why a book like this was not only needed, but carried out.  Now, in attempt to prepare the world for what could ensue post-disclosure, the authors leave no stone unturned in the ramifications that will follow ‘the day’.  Sifting through everything from the possible events beginning in the initial day and forward, the authors bring about rather sensible and grounded speculations on what that process will be like.

Going back in time a bit, the authors also seek to reconstruct  how entire secrecy structure began, how it remains in place, and what the cover-up looks like.  From there, points for, and points against disclosure are analyzed by the authors as they attempt to engineer the mentality that those pulling the strings have on this trenchant issue.  Covered also are moments in UFOlogy where it seemed like truth waves might have been made, and possible disclosure could have ensued, but ultimately failed.  Thankfully, the book doesn’t just stop there.

More importantly, also ruminated upon are the who ‘they’ are, and the how.  Additionally, the Breakaway Civilization is examined in a couple of instances, as they are in large part somewhat responsible for this searing secrecy that’s taken place since the late 40’s and early 50’s.

The blaring blowback that’ll take place post-disclosure is covered from nigh every angle.  Everything from panic, fear, truth commissions, changes in the energy paradigm, legal issues, media, economics, psychology, pop culture, and more, are all given at least a cursory glance as to how they might integrate into the whole avalanche of issues that will develop.

One salient component examined is also the CIA and the mainstream media’s role in making sure true investigations and news doesn’t break to the masses.  Of course, this shouldn’t be surprising since the mainstream media has been in bed with the CIA, as per Operation Mockingbird.

The authors note that:

“Some of this information came out during the 1970s, when the CIA admitted to having paid relationships with more than 400 mainstream American journalists.  Consider the possibilities available to any person or group covertly employing 400 journalists.  Although the CIA claimed it ended such relationships, it tacitly acknowledged the need to cultivate them in cases of national security…Former CIA Chief William Colby, a cold man who made his mark during the murderous Project Phoenix, who rose to the top of the Agency during the 1970s, and whose life ended in a boating “accident” on Potomac in 1995, once told a confident that every major media was covered by the long reach of the CIA.”[2]

Such are some of the reasons why this information has never been given a fair shot.  Of course, denial and ridicule became the M.O. du jour of the establishment of anybody that even dared question the subject of UFOs and anything paranormal.

After Disclosure also covers what type of political instability will ensue post-disclosure given how governments all over the world will be facing the wrath of the populace for having covered up such a subject up for decades.  The fury won’t stop there, however.  Academicians who didn’t take the subject seriously and even ridiculed people, as well as psychologists who didn’t take individuals allegations of disturbing incidents will also have to contend with an angry populace once the truth comes out full throttle.

Whenever the day comes, an endless tsunami of questions that will result.  Especially given how very solid evidence has been declassified in the past shows the US Government is taking this situation very seriously, and has for decades.  Some of these include: 1949 FBI Memo, the 1954 Maxwell AFB Emergency Report, the 1947 Twining Memo, the 1966 Intrusion at Minot Air Force Base, the 1976 Tehran Encounter, the 1967 Malmstrom AFB Incident, and many more documents.  These are all public record.

As individuals can gather, this subject, regarding whomever is behind the phenomena, is being taken extremely serious, as it should.  The problem of the public is being told one thing, while behind the scenes something more ominous is manifesting.

That said, this book really extends the breadth and scope of the analysis of a post-disclosure world in salient ways.   It is a book that should be regarded seriously, just as the rest of Dolan’s work, if for no other reason than there is immense growing evidence that keeps suggesting something is amiss.  The odds that “nothing” is taking place keeps gravitating to zero with every new account from a reliable witness that comes forth. The world has no reason to think this is ever going to stop.  At least not anytime soon.

As humanity seeps again into space in the coming decades, more and more strange events will happen.  In fact, we can already see how much NASA loves to whitewash documents and talk nonsense once anything of note happens.   NASA will surely have to answer for a lot, especially if what individuals like Donna Hare, who was a former Disclosure Project witness, says is true.”

As Dolan notes in his Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization book:

“She had a secret clearance during the early 1970s for NASA subcontractor Philco Ford, and was shown a satellite image of a distinct UFO.  It was explained to her that this technician’s job was to airbrush any evidence of UFOs out of photographs for NASA before they were made public.  She also learned from other employees at the Johnson Space Center that some of the astronauts had seen extraterrestrial craft on the Moon. This was in the 1970s, after the moon landings had taken place.  In Hare’s words, “I believe there were three such craft on the Moon when they landed.”[3]

With such evidence amassing, the more complex this charged subject becomes.  Be that as it may, we mustn’t pretend that the comptrollers will just disclose for no reason.  As the authors state, their hand will have to be forced somehow.  There is no ‘right’ time.  But when it happens, be prepared.  But have no fear.

Sometime in the future, the day will come that some government will have to admit the truth in respects to extraterrestrial life being factual.  Whenever that day comes, hysteria, panic, and speculation will fill the airwaves of all media on the planet.  When that happens, do you want to know what to expect, or not?  If you do, get this book.  That way, whenever whatever incident takes place happens, you will at least be ahead of the curve, and prepared for some of the probable circumstances that will follow.  This is NOT said to cause fear, but to bring awareness of an issue that will change mankind forever.

More than anything, this book is a call to action, for everyone who has ever taken this subject seriously, or who has thought about it at length.  The transformation that will take place of the planet [culturally, geopolitically, psychologically, emotionally, etc.] is something that should be thoroughly ruminated upon and discussed at length, even if it goes beyond people’s comfort zones.

Whenever a paradigm shift is about to take place, most individuals can’t see, or come to terms with what’s about to happen.  Thankfully, according to some polls most people believe in life out there, so a massive paradigm shift of ‘life out there’ should come as no surprise to many.  Still, though, if humanity is to be a responsible race, and transition into the Space Age that is to come in the coming decades, it has to take subjects such as this seriously.  This book helps greatly in that effort, because all the evidence points to humans not being alone.

If you’ve ever had a curious bone in your body about this subject, ruminate deeply upon getting this book.  It really does provide the firmest ground upon which an individual may stand in such a tumultuous subject.  The sooner individuals prepare for what’s the come, the easier the transition will be.


[1] Richard Dolan & Bryce Zabel, A.D. After Disclosure – When The Government Finally Reveals The Truth About Alien Contact, pp. 17-18.
[2] Ibid., p. 57.
[3] Richard Dolan, The Secret Space Program & Breakaway Civilization, pp. 13-14.

This article is free and open source.  All individuals are encouraged to share this content and have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Zy Marquiez and
About The Author:

Zy Marquiez is an avid book reviewer, researcher, an open-minded skeptic, yogi, humanitarian, and freelance writer who studies and mirrors regularly subjects like Consciousness, Education, Creativity, The Individual, Ancient History & Ancient Civilizations, Forbidden Archaeology, Big Pharma, Alternative Health, Space, Geoengineering, Social Engineering, Propaganda, and much more.

His other blog, features mainly his personal work, while serves as a media portal which mirrors vital information nigh always ignored by mainstream press, but still highly crucial to our individual understanding of various facets of the world.

Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program

The Breakaway
Zy Marquiez
March 23, 2017

The quick video that harpoons the heart of the CIA control of Mainstream Media that has been taking place since the 1950s.  This is in fact easier these days since only 5 corporations control most of what we see as I have written previously about.

Here’s a quote from the piece below:

“In 1975, the U.S. Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect To Intelligence Activities found that the agency did indeed submit stories to the press. Chair of the Church Committee, Senator Frank Church, stated publicly, “I thought that it was a matter of real concern that planted stories intended to serve a national purpose abroad came home and were circulated here and believed here because this would mean that the CIA could manipulate the news in the United States by channeling it through some foreign country.” In other words, the type of propaganda that was supposed to be relegated to use against overseas enemies and target foreign populations was now being used at home.”[Source]

Book Review: Propaganda And Mass Persuasion – A Historical Encyclopedia, 1500 To The Present


Zy Marquiez
December 13, 2016

Propaganda And Mass Persuasion – A Historical Encyclopedia, 1500 To The Present by Nicholas J. Cull, David Culbert & David Welch is broad surveying of a large portion of the propaganda that has historically taken place the last five centuries or so.

For the record, the book has many other contributors than the ones listed above.  The ones listed are only three of the entire group.

In any case, the book is divided alphabetically, which certainly helps, and is footnoted to the hilt, which is greatly appreciated.

Showcased within the book are the smorgasbord of ways propaganda can be used.  Common methods such as television, radio, and media are delved into, while also cursory glances are given to posters, leaflets and other tools used historically.

A wide sprinkling of Individuals, methods, movements, ideologies, movies, countries and more are each given a decent gander within the confines of this piece.

Propaganda And Mass Persuasion exegetes the precise historical periods of some of the largest propaganda campaigns that have taken place.  From World War 1, to World War 2, Vietnam War, and even many other wars, the book delves into how propaganda played a role in assisting and/or countering an opposing side.  Along with this, the book even shows how mass persuasion has been viewed by the establishment, and how it has served a major purpose in pushing particular agendas.

Ultimately, steering vox populi is the main focus of any propagandist, and this book shows why.

In its totality, Propaganda And Mass Persuassion is quite didactic for a neophyte, given its expansive historical range.  That said, given the size of the book, it can only really home-in on certain historical applications with great precision.  Because of that ome areas were somewhat lacking however.

The data set addressed was rather scholarly, although admittedly from an establishment point of view.  Much deeper layers of this topic are only given mere glances, or simply glossed over in their entirety. Simply stated, the book is congealed – or so it feels – to cement official narratives.  Giving you enough scholarly data for it to be legitimate, but not following additional published documents/data sets that that would confect a much larger and complete picture.

It is up to the reader to take cognizance in the lacking breadth and scope of the book.

As a starting point, it’s certainly quite superficially comprehensive, and it certainly belongs in a researcher’s library.  However, the glaring omission of social engineering – which is propaganda’s ultimate goal – are to be looked at quite askance.   That subject alone could be written about at length, and isn’t even given a glance.

If you are a student of propaganda, mind control, social engineering and the like, and happen to get this book, just realize this isn’t the end-all-be-all of sourced material.  There are many books by many great people on Amazon, and countless documents published which go into farther depth than this book has.  Make sure to spend time and search for those in order widen your repertoire and be more able to keenly ascertain when such tools are being used against you, and your kith and kin.

Book Review: Crossfire – The Plot That Killed Kennedy by Jim Marrs

Zy Marquiez
August 31, 2016

Crossfire by Jim Marrs is essentially the unofficial encyclopedia regarding the Kennedy Assassination and Coup D’etat.

In this phenomenal tome Marrs carries out a methodical examination of all the intricacies that revolved around this incident.

From breaking through the veil of the official story, to heading into the darker aspects of the conspiracy, Marrs attempts to leave no stone unturned .

Marrs takes a gander at everything from nefarious dealings of the CIA, to witness accounts that eviscerate the official narrative, to examinations of the grassy knoll as well as the depository.  Of course, there is a LOT more.

Finding peculiar – “coincidental” – instances littering the event, Marrs homes in on the issue with the ambulance that was to serve as the reason for President Kennedy’s motorcade having to stop, to countless dead witnesses [and people in the know]- 143! – and even suspect dealings with the secret service and how it acted once the assassination began taking place.  Each of this is sifted to leaving the reader aghast at such events.

Not only that, but the cover up that ensued, which no doubt involved Lyndon B. Johnson and insiders from the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and more, is also examined at length into a variety of rabbit trails that will leave the reader furious at the fact that so many people turned their backs on Kennedy, or they were part of the conspiracy in the first place.

Issues with the infamous Zapruder film are also given a glance given all circumstances revolving around it.

The author also examines how the CIA and its notorious mind control experiments via MK Ultra might dovetail with the assassination.

As the author saliently notes:

“Since Oswald may have taken a mind-altering drug; since his killer, Jack Ruby, told Dallas police he had no recollection of shooting Oswald; since Sirhan Sirhan, the presumed assassin of Robert Kennedy, still claims he can’t remember what happened in the Ambassador Hotel; and since a San Quentin psychologist, Dr. Eduard Simson, proclaimed that Sirhan has been “programmed” by drugs, hypnosis, or both, the possibility of mind control in the JFK assassination…cannot be ruled out.”[1]

Besides homing in on Lyndon B. Johnson, the author also thankfully narrows in on J. Edgar Hoover, whose ability “to gather information and then to control it” give him enormous power.   This along with his suspect dealings within the assassination, are more than ample reasons as to why Hoover is likely very complicit in the assassination.

Marrs also lays down the fact that many witnesses were in fact intimidated by the authorities into going with the official narrative.   Regarding this, the author soberingly notes:

“Witnesses Charles Givens, James Tague, Phil Willis, Kennedy aides Kenneth O’Donnel and David Powers, and former senator Ralph Yarborough were pressured to alter their statements, while others – including Ed Hoffman, A.J. Millican, Sandy Speaker, Acquilla Clemons, and Richard Carr – were threatened into silence.”[2]

Predictably, the mainstream media – being part of the establishment – didn’t even bother in examining their testimony, nor anything else that might blow the lid on the cover up.  Then again, being the official mouthpiece of the establishment, this is par for the course.

Of course, the author also homes in on many of the interests that revolved around the assassination from Big Oil, to the Big Banks, the Mob, the Cubans, FBI, CIA, and more.

How Jack Ruby’s role plays out around this conspiracy is also given more than a fair glance by Marrs.  Interestingly, Jack Ruby dying of cancer dovetails with information from Dr. Mary’s Monkey – How The Unsolved Murder Of A Doctor, A Secret Laboratory In New Oreleans and Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked To Lee Harvey Assassination And Emerging Global Epidemics by Edward T. Haslam.  Haslem found that cancer was able to be induced via injection, which rings ominous since Ruby dying of an unexpected cancer certainly sent shockwaves given how many researchers have postulated that Ruby was indeed given cancer as a covert method of murder.

One of the worst parts of all this is that the cover-up continues until this very day.

Regarding this, the author notes feelings related from a JFK assassination research website, JFK Facts:

If JFK was killed by a deranged lone nut, why are so many records from 1963 considered so significant in 2012?  Why were records destroyed?  Who ordered their destruction?  Where are the Air Force One tapes?  Why can’t they be found?  Why are so many CIA documents about undercover officers with pre-assassination knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald classified for reasons of national security?  Why doesn’t Congress oversee the JFK Records Act?  Why don’t they hold public hearings on these issues and get answers to these questions?“[3]

Or, as Governor Jesse Ventura intimated:

If the government were telling the truth, there would be no reason to lock up anything from the people of this country.  Clearly, they are not, because here we are 50 years later, and they are still withholding documents from us.”[4]

Consider this mandatory reading if you care about what’s happening to this country.

This book not only proves without a shadow of a doubt that the official story is hogwash, but it also proves that there is overwhelming evidence that Oswald was a fall guy.  Not only that, but:

“The Dallas police paraffin test showed no gunpowder on Oswald’s hands or cheek, evidence that he did not fire a rifle…”[5]

Of course, the ballistic evidence and medical evidence also support a more concerted and conspiracy into more power elements given that only a select few would have the ability to alter data related to the assassination.

All things considered, this book is a masterful analysis that not only eviscerates the official narrative, but also sheds light into many of the darker components that played a role into the assassination of President Kennedy.  It’s my contention, as well as that of other researchers that many of the elements that played a role in carrying out that assassination are still around today.  Given how much our nation has deteriorated since the assassination with every new scandal and with every new crisis, we have not rid ourselves of this deadly shadow.

And we must, for how can true change ever take place if the darkness lie embedded within a structure that should stand for good, but unfortunately hasn’t, and has only stood to support the most corrupt within the establishment.

For this, and many more reasons, this book is vital in understanding how we got into this current moment history as a society.


[1] Jim Marrs, CrossfireThe Plot That Killed Kennedy, pg. 172
[2]Ibid., pg. 543.
[3]Ibid., pg. 515.
[4]Ibid., pg. 515.
[5]Ibid., pg. 540.

Book Review: Phantom Self by David Icke

Zy Marquiez
July 10, 2016

“When you’re the only sane person, you look like the only insane person.”
– Criss Jami

“Nothing is easier than self-deceit.  For what each man wishes, he also believes to be true.”
– Demosthenes

David Icke is surely a controversial speaker.

Icke’s work has come to be known as fascinating as it is wide-ranging, and for good reason.   The man will leave no stone unturned.  He’s not afraid of heading into places other people can’t even fathom, and many have come to appreciate this.

In Phantom Self, David Icke does a resounding job of not only showing various methods the system employs to carve out the consciousness from individuals, but he also shows the numerous facets the system has that play a role in making this process possible.

Throughout the book, Icke makes it a point from differentiating that we have two selves, the more superficial version of us that goes through life unaware of the deeper structure of life and reality, and the deeper level of conscious awareness that holds our unending potential, which is rarely tapped by individual.

Phantom Self showcases some of the previous information that Icke has shown, with good reason.  Much of this information is just as vital now, if not more so, as it was in the past.  And things have only gotten worse globally.

Readers of his previous work will be familiar with some of it.  Still, the information that Icke provides and how he distills it is vital to understanding how individuals and society will shed its shackles from the control grid as long as they take the appropriate action.

Issues such as education, media manipulation, propaganda, technology, genetically modified foods, bloodlines, depopulation/eugenics, Agenda 21/Agenda 2030, weather modification, et al are addressed quite extensively throughout.  The push for a transhumanistic future is also saliently detailed by the author.

As an avid researcher, my one qualm with the book is that Icke doesn’t source all of his statements.  He does provide quite a few sources, but a lot of the information that he writes as ‘matter of fact’ would be much stronger if he at least buttressed those statements with how he came to those conclusions.  There’s nothing wrong with giving your opinions about a matter, and they surely might be facts mind you, however, in order for some people to visualize the extent of control and corruption they will need to see a roadmap.  A roadmap is made up of those signposts, and those signposts in research are sources.

Be that as it may, that last fact doesn’t detract from the book.  Phanton Self provides more than ample information for it to be worth one’s money.

How icke chose to conclude the book resonates quite well, and certainly makes a lot of sense.

Its through individual self awareness and realization of our deeper conscious state that we as individuals will be able to see that we are the solution to the system.

Aggression will not be the solution to overturning the system.  In fact, the opposite is the case.  The system is ready for aggression in more ways than most realize.  Once we realize the depth of the power of our true selves – the power of the love for another – we will be able to detach ourselves from the meaningless and head on a new path.

The system will be changed only by people removing their support from it in every way shape or form.  Then, and only then will we be able to birth a new process and reign in the beginnings on the morrow.

As Ghandi once said:

“You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees.  An evil system never deserves such allegiance.  Allegiance to it means partaking of this evil.  A good person will resist an evil system with his or her own soul.”

Book Review: The Art Of Overcoming The New World Order by Dr. Bernie Suarez

Zy Marquiez
June 28, 2016

There are countless inquiring individuals in the alternative research community that put out good work.  Then there are those who put out great work.  Dr. Suarez is the latter.

What sets former Marine Suarez apart from the rest?  The fact that he not only gives accurate, thought-provoking information that all individuals should know, but that he does so in a clear, concise, and no-BS manner.

Because of that, after ordering this book, a solid piece of work was expected from Dr. Suarez, and he certainly did not disappoint.

The Art Of Overcoming The New World Order is a comprehensive look into the many ways individuals can harpoon those that wish to control the populace at every turn.

The collection of essays within this particular book have much information one can glean from them.  Not only does the author offer a few options for individuals to shed their mental chains from the control matrix, but offer also within the pages are many of the ways that the matrix extends its tentacles, as well as how to counteract those very instances.

From touching upon the propaganda and mind control mainstream media offers, to speaking at length about the false flags we face as a society, Dr. Suarez does an incisive job at detailing salient aspects of those issues, as well as touching upon quite a few others.

The one caveat for me was that there could have been sources for many of the statements he was making.  Being a seasoned researcher, it is far easier for me than for the average individual to find the information provided.  Since building credibility is important in media, that part was a bit lacking.  Of course, for me, knowing the quality of work that Dr. Suarez puts out, the information is top notch.  But not everyone is going to know the type of researcher and writer he is, which is why the previous statement was made.

Still, the book offers more than plenty of information for open-minded individuals to learn from, especially given how  a great portion of the book is dedicated to unplugging from the matrix and what individuals can do to be proactive.

Another great notable point was that the author does not come from a fear-based point of view.  In fact, the opposite can be said.  He reasons that “the awakening process can be seen as a mathematical equation that predicts that in due time things will change as a function of mass awareness.”[1]

The other sage point that was appreciated which the author focused on, was that he brought issues down to the individual level.  The book is full with a can-do approach that’s very nuts-and-bolts and reasonable.  But in the end, it’s up to the individual to take action.

In fact, this book is just about that – action.  About people that have learned what threats they face [or are learning] and about the power of individual consciousness and all its creative potential to tackle any obstacle it faces.

As Dr. Suarez stated, those in control attempting to further push tyranny have become predictable, and have lost their creativity.

But the individual still holds their creative potential, and that’s what’s going to make all the difference in the world.



[1] Dr. Bernie Suarez, The Art Of Overcoming The New World Order,  pg. 211

Book Review: Technocracy Rising – The Trojan Horse Of Global Transformation by Patrick M. Wood

Zy Marquiez
March 9, 2016

Technocracy is one of those topics that seeps into nigh every facet of our lives, but which most people know nothing about.

To simplify its understanding, it’s always best to be as precise as possible when convening a message, especially using a term which doesn’t get bandied about regularly. Based on that, let us define what technocracy is for the purposes of this review:

“Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population…”
[“What Is Technocracy?”, The Technocrat, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1938]

As one can see from the date of the quote above, Technocracy is nothing new. It’s been around for many decades, and it has only morphed into something far more nefarious with time.

Technocracy Rising – The Trojan Horse Of Global Transformation, by Patrick M. Wood, is an absolutely phenomenal book, chockfull of sources, and extremely incisive. With that said, can definitely see people that know not of this/these topics giving it askance look, and that would be okay. Everyone should be open minded and skeptical about everything, regardless of where it comes from.

Still, the sources the author uses in this book are irrefutable, and what is taken place over decades covered by the author, even more so.

The book conveniently begins with coverage of how Technocracy began in its nascent stages, and how it progressed throughout time. It also does a methodical job of naming names, in bold throughout the book, of the characters behind the Technocratic agenda.

People like Zbigniew Brzezinski and David Rockefeller are mainstays in this agenda, and mentioned quite frequently throughout the book, for very good reason. Each of them, as well as a cadre of others, have been quite notably involved in the infusion of this agenda across multiple disciplines, throughout society, extending throughout all nations.

In any case, from Technocracy’s role within the Nazi’s Third Reich, to more modern components spread out throughout America and elsewhere, the book pulls no punches in outlining how the system is being established, and why it is so.

One thing that was unknown to me, that was quite useful for future reference et al. is the fact that the author mentions many individual components of Technocracy, all of which feed the super system of top-down control that’s being implemented.

Some of these include, but are not limited to:

Agenda 21
Common Core State Standards
Conservation Easements
Smart Growth
Land Use
Energy Smart Grid
Sustainable Development
Green Economy

Along with the above, how Technocracy affects Economics, Law, Government & even Religion are detailed quite extensively by the author.   Many people will find many parts of these chapters quite shocking, because most of this does not get any mainstream coverage. Unfortunately though, just because one hears not of an issue, doesn’t mean it is non-existent. Of course, media control is also quite the ever present component in these type of schemes, which is why most of the populace knows not of such issues.

Many more details are covered by the author, some more nefarious than others, but all serve to buttress this morally corrupt Technocratic that’s being constructed right before our very eyes.

Ultimately, how we react to issues in life is proportional to what we know. This book’s veritable crashcourse into what is taking place, is as detailed as it is sobering.

Anyone concerned about the future of their family/community/nation/planet should read this book.

In the age of information, ignorance is no excuse.

To paraphrase Ghandi, to be the change we wish to see in the world, we need to know what we face as individuals. This book allows us to do just that.

The future will be determined by what we decide to do.

Or not.