The Left|Right Paradigm & How It Serves To Fracture The Populace


By: Zy Marquiez
January 25, 2016

Readers of this blog will be familiar with the constant allusion of the left/right paradigm. However, there are quite many folks out there whose eyes glaze over when in conversation about this topic. Let’s shed some light into this abstruse topic shall we?

To simplify, the left-right paradigm is a concept from political sciences and anthropology which proposes that societies have a tendency to divide themselves into ideological opposites.

That’s certainly one way to look at it. Another way would be proposing the establishment carries out this division on purpose to make it seem like there is only two sides to every debate. Rarely are things ever that simple.

First things first, let’s take a cursory glance at some of the permutations that the left/right paradigm is often bandied about in. Being cognizant of these will make it easier to harpoon onto particular agendas that are taking place within the establishment/media.

The Left/Right paradigm includes, but is not limited to:

– Back people vs. White people
– Muslim vs. Christians
– Republicans vs. Democrats
– East vs. West
– US vs. Russia/China
– US vs. Middle East
– Poor vs. Rich
– Liberals vs. Conservatives [could dovetail into politics, but it need not]
– Religions vs. Atheism
– Gay vs. Straight
– Women vs. Men
– Young vs. Old

There are many more derivatives, but those examples are some of the ones used the most.

In any case, take a good minute or two to ponder at that list again. What don’t you notice anywhere?

The individual.

That is quite notable, because not only is the individual the foundation of society, but at the most essential/practical levels, the individual is the engine of society.

This fact is not overlooked by the comptrollers. They realize the individual is the one who truly holds all the power.

In our reverse reality world, there are many reasons why the individual is often thrown under the bus. One oft-parroted one is “for the greater good” which in true translation just means is anything that serves the establishment.

Let’s take a gander at what some of the most incisive minds had to say about the individual:

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
―Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can offer with the cumulative force of a whole life’s cultivation, but of the adopted talent of another, you have only an extemporaneous, half possession.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”
―Mark Twain

“The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”
―Friedrich Nietzsche

Individuality is a beautiful aspect of life. It truly makes me wonder, what makes people want to mirror others, when they are so unique themselves? Mirroring others in it of itself would limit someone because they’re already putting themselves within a box/system without realizing it.

Its quite fascinating in many ways to see what people will do in the many aspects life takes.

The self-cognizant individual will never be part of the group. They will always be a person within a group, there’s a difference.

In many ways, groups assimilate people and stamp out individuality at every turn. It’s rare to have a collection of individuals, rather than a particular group. A group functions as one collective mind, and limits itself because it operates as just one mind, rather than as many different/unique intellectual engines.

How does this all dovetail with the left/right paradigm?

By realizing when the media/establishment/people are using labels on you, or handpicking your placement within a particular paradigm [whether they know it or not], not only are they assigning labels to you [that’s what a label does], which could be highly detrimental given certain people’s limited point of view, but they also automatically end up serving you up to whatever derivative of the left/right paradigm is most beneficial for them, rather than you.

If it was all about you, you would be seen as a person – an individual.

An individual’s power is limitless. Your dreams and imagination can build something greater.

However, the lot of society has been brainwashed into believing we are all just cogs in the machine, rather than independent minds operating by themselves.

The collective/label is not your identity.

Your identity is your consciousness, your own subjective power over your domain, which is your reality.

Those that give that power away shackle themselves daily. Subsequently, entire countries/cultures/regions become mere pawns in the global game of control.

Heaven forbid anyone actually think outside the box and attempts to come up with some grassroots solutions – true grassroots solutions and not what is known as astroturfing, which is a duplicitous way of corporations make it seem like true change is taking place from the bottom up, whey they are not. When astroturfing takes place, it only supports the institutions/corporations behind them.

Why does astroturfing take place? Because the establishment/comptrollers knows the power of the individual. If there were no power from the grassroots individual level, it wouldn’t be co-opted, downplayed, eviscerated, and ameliorated at every turn.

And again, those institutions/corporations engaging in such activities are attempting to orchestrate a reality by controlling the left/right paradigm themselves. In this case, that manipulation is very subtle.

One can play the part within the grand chessboard, or one can opt-out of the game and breakaway.

The choice is y/ours.



The Individual – The Foundation Of Society
In America Everything Is Backwards
What Is Dream-Building?
Sharyl Attkisson – Astroturf & Manipulation Of Media Messages
What Does It Mean To ‘Breakaway’?

Book Review: Empire Of The Wheel II – Friends From Sonora – By Walter Bosley


By: Zy Marquiez
January 23, 2016

Empire Of The Wheel II – Friends From Sonora, by Walter Bosley is the second installment in the Empire Of The Wheel [E.O.T.W.] series.

In Empire Of The Wheel – An Investigation Of Occult Espionage & Murder, authors Bosley and Spence laid the foundation for this next book.

E.O.T.W. Part Two is penned with the reasonable assumption that the reader has read part one, for much of book two, builds upon book one. This makes his case that much stronger in my opinion.

With what little information available is left from times past, Bosley builds his case into what some of the machinations of the players behind the scenes were, and how those dovetail with many of the extremely meaningful, and yet quite unknown events that this nation, and the world has had.

One of these unknown instances, is the case of the airship mysteries that plagued sections of America in the late 19th, and early 20th century. Much of this information is overlooked by mainstream researchers, and it seems like to them to even entertain the idea would mean having to open one’s mind, and possibly shatter conventional history in ways most aren’t prepared to accept. This book is the complete opposite – an open minded, reasonable analysis of mysterious events that took place in the not too distant past.

Bosley holds nothing back, inquiring with question after question, pondering about this case extensively, and ruminating with about every sliver of evidence that you could imagine given such an abstruse subject. His thought process can be followed rather well.

One way Bosley buttresses his book is by arguably solving the case of who is Cora Stanton. For those who don’t know, Cora Stanton is one of the seven victims that was murdered in the latter half of 1915. Of all the victims, she’s the most notable, and plays quite a role within the confines of E.O.T.W. Part 2, as she serves to connect some really big dots that the author has found.

Coupled with that is the fact that Bosley analyses many of the power players that played pivotal roles within the machinations of this book, as well as how they connect with the two separate groups he names Team NYMZA & Team Sonora.

Both of the above groups are “Breakaway Civilization” outgrowths of the technological prowess that was achieved by the secrecy and knowledge of those groups, although for very different reasons.

Who, and what NYMZA is, is also covered by Bosley quite well, as it’s a portion of the riddle that sheds much light. This cascades into other portions of the books in many ways.

Bosley covered NYMZA part in his previous Secret Space Program presentation and for good reason. The events that took place in the 18th/19th century were at least the most verifiable aspects of a rudimentary “Breakaway Civilization” program.

One unexpected, and yet, extremely fascinating part that was covered by Bosley were the undertakings of Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid and how those ran parallel to what some of the machinations were. Who would have known…

In any case, along with the information mentioned above, this particular book covers quite a bit more data which is quite helpful, especially given the lack of information provided about these subjects within mainstream circles.

This book really helps shed light to some important instances in history that were very likely to turn the tide of history in certain ways.

If you enjoy espionage, hidden history, secret technologies and high octane speculation coupled with incisive and methodical reasoning, then this book is definitely for you.


Other suggested reading:

Empire Of The Wheel [Part 1] – An Investigation Of Occult Espionage & Murder By Walter Bosley & Richard B. Spence
Secret Missions, The Hidden Legacy Of Old California By Walter Bosley
Secret Missions 2: The Lost Expeditions Of Sir Francis Burton by Walter Bosley

Review [Recommended Book] – Rise Of The Fourth Reich By Jim Marrs

By: Zy Marquiez
January 22, 2016

“Since the war was lost, the “enemy lines” meant, quite literally, a new kind of special guerilla warfare was to be waged from a postwar Nazi underground, quite literally, “behind enemy lines” which would in the aftermath of the war, cover the entire globe, and that warfare was deliberately conceived in conjunction with an advanced technology that, in the hands of Weltanschauungskrieg experts, would be used to spread fear, terror, confusion, and thereby to demoralize the enemy, short circuit his world-interpretation and decision making process….But what precisely, was that technology?”

– Joseph P. Farrel, Saucers, Swastikas And PsyOps – A History Of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies And Psychological Operations

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

“The hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say, without bothering the brain but by working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult, all this is the dangerous element, and the element I have taken over.”

– Adolf Hitler

In this tour de force, The Rise Of The Fourth Reich – The Secret Societies That Threaten To Take Over America, Jim Marrs does unparalleled work in exposing an extensive amount of data regarding the Nazis that you will not get taught in school.

As its often said, history is written by the winners, and an odd history it is that most people know very little about the Nazis except for what they have heard about from the mainstream media.

One quick, yet notable example of how history is twisted, is the fact that much of the populace is blind to the fact that America, the Vatican, as well as other countries funneled Nazis through ratlines in droves. If that were it, it would be bad enough. However, many of those very high-ranking criminal Nazis were given positions of power within the establishment of the time via Project Paperclip; most notable of those is Dr. Wehrner Von Braun, who in later years became the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA]. Other high ranking Nazis brought over in such a manner include Kurt Diebner, Otto Hahn often called “the father of nuclear chemistry” Walter Gerlach, and many others.

Therein, by 1955, nearly a thousand German scientists had been funneled into the United States and given vital positions within the American Scientific community. This gave firm roots to what Jim Marrs calls ‘The Fourth Reich’, within the American Landscape.

An examination of those very Nazi roots within the American establishment is what Marrs carries out in this landmark book.

From his foray into the strangeness of Rudolf Hess and his particular case, to an examination of what is oft-termed ‘Nazi Wonder Weapons’, Marrs – like a heat seeking missile – locks into the most keen of aspects in his extensive synopsis of the Nazi abstruse lore.

Another great topic of note that affects our everyday lives – yet has its nascent stages within the Nazi history – is the one of the neurotoxin Fluoride.   Unbeknownst too many is the fact that not only is this toxin put into the water supply, but it also causes extensive detrimental side effects such as lower IQ [as Harvard studies find], mental retardation, brain damage, skeletal fluorosis, increased bone fractures, genetic damage, dental fluorosis, gastrointestinal disturbances.  Marrs also covers the noxious Aspartame, which the FDA knows has 92 potential side effects, but still pushed it through since it was Donald Rumsfeld’s Bioweapon Legacy.

Some of the other topics touched upon by Marrs include the Nazi Mind Control programs [that aided in the spawning of the infamous MK-Ultra Mind Control program], as well as the elite & corporate ties to the Nazis, the Nazi connections to the pharmaceutical industry, I.G. Farben and their love for eugenics, the pervasive control of mainstream media, and a whole lot more.

Calling this merely a great book would be an understatement. This particular well researched piece is a veritable library of references for the inquiring individual. It is as well rounded as it is incisive. Not having it would be a great disservice to those wishing to understand the current criminals in a plethora of positions powers such as politics, finance, banking, etc. whose ties lead back to some these nefarious roots.


Other suggested books on the topic:

The Third Way – The Nazi International, European Union, And Corporate Fascism by Joseph P. Farrel
Nazi International – The Nazis’ Postwar Plan To Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space by Joseph P. Farrell
Saucers, Swastikas And PsyOps – A History Of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies And Psychological Operations, by Joseph P. Farrell
Ratline – Soviet Spies, Nazi Priests, and the Disappearance of Adolf Hitler by Peter Levenda
Unholy Alliance – A History Of Nazi Involvement In The Occult, by Peter Levenda
The Hitler Legacy – The Nazi Cult In Diaspora by Peter Levenda

Book Review: Progaganda, By Edward Bernays


Zy Marquiez
January 20, 2016

“Bernay’s honest and practical manual provides much insight into some of the most powerful and influential institutions of contemporary industrial state capitalist democracies.”
– Noam Chomsky

“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.”
– Edward Bernays

Propaganda is a tool widely used by those holding positions in many facets of society, from politicians, religious leaders, agents of the state to corporate brass.

Edward Bernays, whose magnum opus is Propaganda, is considered “the father of public relations. This particular book outlines in profound detail many aspects of how propaganda works. This book was originally published in 1928, and yet its effects can be still felt today.

This particular piece of work is dynamic because this book details how the mass manipulation of the human subconscious can place can take at unprecedented scale.

In a world where the propaganda vice-grip has reached unfathomable levels, knowledge of the form in which this takes place is not only imperative, but an individual responsibility.

Although glossed over by many, propaganda in its many forms – news, tv shows, songs, radio stations, advertisements, magazines, and more – has become an undeniable part of our societal structure.

Webbing the populace at will, this tool, and all its functions, have served to greatly increase the influence/power of most individuals and institutions spreading it.

As VigilantCitizen eloquently states:

“Bernay’s trailblazing marketing campaigns profoundly changed the functioning of American society. He basically created “consumerism” by creating a culture wherein Americans bought for pleasure instead of buying for survival. For this reason, he was considered by Life Magazine to be in the Top 100 most influential Americans of the 20th century.”1

Propaganda, in it of itself, is not negative per se. However, if lies are embedded within the messages being shared, then this tool can have very nefarious and wide reaching consequences for entire populations.

The book’s strength lays in showcasing the methods being studied by Bernays nigh a century ago, and how those methods were or might be employed.

Simply stated, if one wishes to understand how the rulers of our time operate and how they use and extend part of their power, then Propaganda is for you.

Personally, this book should be mandatory for anyone’s education. Only by knowing what you face and how it is employed can one learn how to overcome it.

To sum up this work, it is best to leave you with this Orwellian quote by Bernays:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”



Other Suggested Reading

The Tavistock Institute – Social Engineering The Masses by Daniel Estulin
Mass Control – Engineering Human Consciousness by Jim Keith
Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann

Rethinking Water Fluoridation – Over 25 Disturbing Quotes About The Neurotoxin Fluoride

By: Zy Marquiez
January 19, 2016

Below is some information provided by various sources, concerning the dangers of Fluoride. This should be taken in conjunction with the previous post:

The Breakaway Guide To Fluoride

The above link, and what follows will give ample evidence as to the dangers of fluoride, and why they should be avoided.

The disturbing quotes, which were found in the website, follow:

“It is now clear that fluoride is a potentially harmful substance when present in the drinking water in any amount.”
– Dr. Simon Beisler, Chief of Urlogy, Roosevelt Hospital and Past President of the American Urological Association.

“The American Medical Association is NOT prepared to state that no harm will be done to any person by water fluoridation. The AMA has not carried out any research work, either long-term or short-term, regarding the possibility of any side effects.”
– Dr. Flanagan, Assistant Director of Environmental Health, American Medical Association.

“Based on data from the National Academy of Sciences, current levels of fluoride exposure in drinking water may cause arthritis in a substantial portion of the population long before they reach old age”
-Dr. Robert Carton, former EPA Scientist.

“Fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, probably because of their capacity to modify the metabolism of cells by changing the permeability of the cell membrane and by inhibiting certain enzyme systems.”
Journal of the American Medical Association, Sept 18, 1943

Segments of the population are unusually susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride. They include “postmenopausal women and elderly men, pregnant woman and their fetuses, people with deficiencies of calcium, magnesium and/or vitamin C, and people with cardiovascular and kidney problems.”
United States Public Health Service Report (ATSDR TP-91/17, pg. 112, Sec.2.7, April 1993)

“fluoride exposure, at levels that are experienced by a significant proportion of the population whose drinking water is fluoridated, may have adverse impacts on the developing brain.”
– Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility, May 2000

“It is now clear that fluoride is a potentially harmful substance when present in the drinking water in any amount.”
– Dr. Simon Beisler, Chief of Urlogy, Roosevelt Hospital and Past President of the American Urological Association.

“The plain fact that fluorine is an insidious poison harmful, toxic and cumulative in its effects, even when ingested in minimal amounts, will remain unchanged no matter how many times it will be repeated in print that fluoridation of the water supply is ‘safe.’”
– Dr. Ludgwig Grosse, Chief of Cancer Research, U.S. Veterans Administration.

In Harlem, NY, which has been fluoridated for 32 years, “There’s more dental decay among these kids; we see the beginning of inflamed gingivitis in their mouths.”
American Dental Association, May 2000

“The CDA emphasizes that the need for fluoride depends on overall exposure, including place of residence, diet and oral health habits. and “The CDA recognizes the need to continue to monitor studies on fluoride and general health.”
Canadian Dental Association, May, 2000

“Fluoride has been shown to adversely effect the central nervous system, causing behavioral changes, increased hip fractures and reproduction problems.”
Natick Report Research Team [Research Microbiologist, U.S. Army, Dr. B. J. Gallo, Environmental Chemist, J. Kupperschmidt Apollo Program Project Scientist, Dr. N.R. Mancuso, U.S. Army Natick Research Labs, A. Murray, Molecular Biologist, Dr. Strauss]

“I am appalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable.”
– Dr. Charles Gordon Heyd, Past President of the American Medical Association.

“…fluoridation … it is the greatest fraud that has ever been perpetrated and it has been perpetrated on more people than any other fraud has.”
– Dr. Professor Albert Schatz, (Microbiology), co-discoverer of Streptomycin, the cure for tuberculosis and numerous other bacterial infections.

Fluoride may be destroying our bones, our teeth and overall health.. it doesn’t need to be added to our water and we may be taking unnecessary risks by doing so. ”
– Dr. Hardy Limeback, a leading Canadian fluoride authority, former fluoride advocate and long-standing consultant to Canadian Dental Association.

“The evidence against the safety of this public health policy keeps mounting; it is too compelling to ignore.”
– Dr. Phyllis Mullenix, Children’s Hospital, Boston

“By 1983 I was thoroughly convinced that fluoridation caused more harm than good. I expressed the opinion that some of these children with dental fluorosis could, just possibly, have also suffered harm to their bones”
– Dr. Colquhoun, former Principal Dental Officer for Auckland New Zealand.

“.. the evidence is quite convincing that the addition of sodium fluoride to the public water supply at one part per million is extremely deleterious to the human body”.
– Chief Justice John Flaherty, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (presided over litigation involving fluoridation)

“This record is barren of any credible and reputable scientific epidemiological studies and/or analysis of statistical data which would support the Illinois Legislatures determination that fluoridation of the water supplies is both a safe and effective means of promoting public health.”
– Illinois Judge Ronald Niemann (presided over litigation involving fluoridation)

“the artificial fluoridation of public water supplies, such as contemplated by (Houston) City ordinance No. 80-2530 may cause or may contribute to the cause of cancer, genetic damage, intolerant reactions, and chronic toxicity, including dental mottling, in man; that the said artificial fluoridation may aggravate malnutrition and existing illnesses in man; and that the value of said artificial fluoridation is in doubt as to the reduction of tooth decay in man.”
– Texas Judge Anthony Farris (presided over litigation involving fluoridation)

“E.P.A. should act immediately to protect the public, not just on the cancer data, but on the evidence of bone fractures, arthritis, mutagenicity and other effects.”
– Dr. William Marcus, Senior Toxicologist at E.P.A.

In 1996, there were approximately 340,000 hospital admissions for hip fractures in the United States. Women sustain 75 percent-80 percent of all hip fractures. Medicare costs for hip fractures were estimated at $2.9 billion in 1991. Centers for Disease Control

“About one-half of the people with hip fractures end up in nursing homes, and in the year following the fracture, 20 per cent of them die.”
– Harold Slavkin, Director of National Institute of Dental Research (JADA 1999)

“..fluoride damages bone even at levels added to public drinking water” American Journal of Epidemiology, October 1999

“Since 1990, five major epidemiological studies from three countries-the United States, United Kingdom and France– showing a higher rate of hip fractures in fluoridated regions..”
– Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health
, 1997 vol. 21 no. 24

“..significant increase in the risk of hip fracture in both men and women exposed to artificial fluoridation at 1 ppm.”
– Journal of the American Medical Association
, August 1992

“..the recommended “optimal” intake (a level that has yet to be determined scientifically).”
– Journal of the American Dental Association
, Dec. 1995

“Water contains a number of substances that are undesirable, and fluorides are just one of them” stated Dr. F. A. Bull, State Dental Director of Wisconsin, speaking at the Fourth Annual Conference of State Dental Directors.

Hundreds of millions of dollars may be wasted annually on children’s fluoride treatments by dentists. Typically given once or twice a year at routine checkups, the treatments do nothing to reduce cavities in kids, says a study of insurance records. Journal of Public Health Dentistry

In June of 1999, the Majority Chairman of the Environmental Resources Committee, Pennsylvania House of Representatives stated “.. there is no solid scientific or medical evidence to show that fluoridation is of any beneficial help to public health, safety or welfare.”

The former editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association said he often received telephone calls from irate AMA members and letters from state medical societies and AMA officers “threatening political action against the editor and the Journal for publishing what offended them ideologically, or more likely imposed on (physicians’) ability to earn money.”
– Mr. Lundberg, editor of JAMA for 17 years

 “That the artificial fluoridation of public water supplies, such as is contemplated by [Houston] City Ordinance No. 80-2530, may cause or may contribute to the cause of cancer, genetic damage, intolerant reactions, and chronic toxicity, including dental mottling, in man; that the said artificial fluoridation may aggravate malnutrition and existing illnesses in man; and that the value of said artificial fluoridation is in doubt as to the reduction of tooth decay in man.”
– Judge Farris, presiding judge in a case involving the fluoridation of Houston’s water.

The Washington Bureau editor of AD Impact, the monthly publication of the Academy of General Dentistry, wrote last year that supporters of fluoridation have had an “unwillingness to release any information that would cast fluorides in a negative light,” and that organized dentistry has lost “its objectivity – the ability to consider varying viewpoints together with scientific data to reach a sensible conclusion.”

“All of the organizations promoting water fluoridation agree that dental fluorosis, which is the first visible sign of systemic poisoning, increases with water fluoride levels.”
Dr. Kennedy, Past President of International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology and a practicing Dentist for 20 years.

Knowing all the above, is it any surprise that water fluoridation failed modern civilization [as if it could really succeed], but it’s been rejected by place after place after place.

However, over the last few years, there has been quite the progress in the elimination of fluoride from the water supplies by the Fluoride Action Network [FAN]. This has been quite a lengthy battle, but it’s far from over.

Let’s not forget that many communities still face a veritable onslaught of toxins via the water ways. Some of these include chlorine, pharmaceutical drugs, hexavalent chromium, lead, aluminum, heavy metals, and much more.

This is why it’s imperative for individuals to take back their health.

Water being such an integral component, its something that shouldn’t be overlooked by the population.

If you want more information about why tap water is dangerous, read the following two articles:

Why Filtering Your Water Is A Necessity

Game-Changing Water Purifier Displaces Bottle Water Industry’s Dominance

Sources & References :

The Breakaway Guide To Fluoride

[Book Review] Tavistock Institute – Social Engineering The Masses by Daniel Estulin


Zy Marquiez
January 18, 2016

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
– Edward Bernays

As a preamble, the Tavistock Institute was mentioned a long time ago by a blogger [and many thanks to them for bringing this up, since they are so vital to this abstruse topic], and that is how this subject came known to me.

Long story short, it was alleged that the Tavistock Institute actually ran at least one, if not many online forums in order for it to suppress and control where information went.  And anytime it went anywhere near them, those topics were swept under the rug promptly, which only made me want to research it more.  This is how this book/topic peaked my curiosity.

Social Engineering is one of those issues that plagues everyone in society, but that almost no one talks about, even in alternative media circles. There are many reasons for this.

For starters, the establishment does not wants its ways of steering, guiding, molding, and social engineering the masses to be known to the populace. That’s fairly straight forward. But more sinister is the fact that this type of brainwashing begins when one ins young, and by it being an everpresent aspect of life, people see many [most?] of these things that entail mass manipulation as normal.

Tavistock Institute – Social Engineering The Masses by Daniel Estulin is as disturbing as it is comprehensive in scope. The book is a veritable top-down crash course into many of the most powerful aspects of social engineering of society.

This book by Estulin details many of the most sophisticated tools in a way never before done in any book. This alone in and of itself is power, because it allows the incisive/inquiring individual to do their due diligence in seeing what’s what in this esoteric subject.

Various topics are discussed, and spearheading the lot include the Tavistock Institute, the Nazis, MK Ultra, Mind Control, Music, Media, the killing of JFK, Drugs, and much much more.

More incisively, it touches upon “social turbulence”, which is whittling down the population through a variety of modalities, with increasing intensity, to soften up a population and lead them into psychosis.

There is also the aspect of disassociation touched upon from many angles

Estulin covers how victimology, which “is premised upon the theory that individuals can be put through trauma by being exposed to shockingly visual accounts of violence” [notice the rise of violence in TV shows?], has made its way in society. Also noted is what role in how Wikileaks is part of the social engineering agenda, and how that directly ties to mass media.

Mass media’s control mechanism is definitely sifted through with a fine-tooth comb, as well as aspects of it such as “idiotspeak”, which is when the media oversimplifies complex subjects so much, and literally covers them only in one or two sentences, that it serves to dumb down the population. This is further implemented by no direct and thought-provoking discussion followed up. And when that does follow, it’s nigh always to suit some government/corporate agenda.

One unexpected, but vital component introduced by Estulin was the subject of music, and how it plays a role in the mental manipulation of the population. Although not exhaustive, it is quite a meaningful area that goes oft-overlooked even in the alternative media.

Science fiction, the work of H.G. wells, as well as many other authors/writers’ work is analyzed creating a merger that only strengthens the obviousness of the dilemma.

And anchoring all that, there is also an analysis of the subject of Edward Bernay’s and Walter Lippmann’s work with propaganda and public opinion.

There really are still many other subjects that get touched upon, most of which [if not all] are still in play, today, at this very moment.

This book by Estulin allows you to see this careful web of deception, manipulation and control that has been weaved over a mostly unsuspecting populace.

The main strength of this book is the veritable enormity of footnotes/references that allow those inquiring minds to see where he is coming from, whist leaving crumbs for those that wish to follow up on their own research.

Credibility is a vital, and credibility in a subject like this is even more so. Estulin has done an absolutely outstanding job in piecing this together.

This is a book that needs to be part of everyone’s library. Period. You need to know this stuff. Its not only being used against you, but your children, and future generations as well. Subjects covered in this book are way too important to gloss over.

You are implored because nobody else is looking out for your well being. And those that say they are, usually benefit greatly by ‘helping’ you. This book gives your mind range, and versatility in order to deal with what’s already here, and what’s worse, what’s coming.

Be mindful, because social engineering is nigh everywhere. No, that’s not exagerration, that’s a fact. This book makes that very crystal clear.

Buy it because you will not regret it.

Buy it because you need to know.

Buy this book because if you don’t, everything here will be used against you, your family, and kith/kin.

In the age of information, ignorance is no excuse. Especially when so much is on the line.

The choice is yours.

Breakaway Guide To Simplifying Your Life

By: Zy Marquiez
January 17, 2016

“Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.”
– Leonardo Da Vinci

“If you can’t explain it simple enough, you can’t understand it well enough.”
– Albert Einstein


Upon musing a bit about the term ‘simplicity’ it occurred to me to search for the term “Law of Simplicity”. There were many tips on simplifying everything, and countless permutations of the idea in various ways, but no actual law [that was apparent to me] that could be easily shared. If anyone finds a solid ‘simple’ [pun intended] then please share it with us, as its pertinent to the focus of this blog.

Let’s get to the core of the issue: simplicity.

Two definitions according to are:

“the state, quality, or an instance of being simple.”

“freedom from complexity, intricacy, or division into parts.”

Pretty straight forward, right?

For our purposes we will distil it one step further for the purposes of this blog and say: to keep things as simple and as practical as possible. Simple.

You must be asking yourself, why are we even talking about this topic? Great question.

Because depending on what point of view one uses, and in this case we’ll use a detached-macro point of view of society as a whole, then it’s pretty obvious people tend to complicate their lives way more than they should.

These complications seep into every aspect of an individual’s life, and end up taxing them in countless way.

Are people even cognizant of it? Some definitely are; however, many are not.

Here are what some incisive minds have stated about keeping things simple:

“Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity”
– Plato

“Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance.”
– Coco Chanel

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
– Confucius

“In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.”
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become.”
– Paramahansa Yoganda

– Simplicity will stand out, while complexity will get lost in the crowd.”
– Kevin Barnett

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”
– Hans Hoffman

“The greatest ideas are the simplest.”
– William Golding

– “If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself.”
– Albert Einstein

“It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.”
– Bruce Lee

Its quite noteworthy that such individuals engaged in this particular thought process. It alludes to the importance of this topic.

Keeping the above insights in mind, what are some aspects of life that people tend to complicate?

Relationships, food, health, politics, etc.

Relationships? That should be an obvious one, and one everyone can relate too. Let’s distill this in its most simplest form.

If someone – be it a lover, friend, acquaintance, etc – in a relationship treats you like trash, all the time, or heck, most of the time, then they’re probably definitely not worth your time/energy. Bam. Simple. No excuses. Once you start justifying the erroneous actions of others as righteous [for whatever] reason, or giving them excuses, when it’s obvious they just don’t truly care [if they did, they wouldn’t be treating you like crap, all the time], you’re doing yourself a world of disservice.

It doesn’t matter if they are family or not. In fact, family members in many situations get away with everything AND the kitchen sink because they are family. Remember, putting up with their bullshit is a choice. No excuses. Keep it as simple as you wish, or as complicated.

Next on the menu, food.

Food? Why food? Because eating things that are a poor excuse for food, only makes things complicated.

If you don’t believe me, look at the epidemic of diseases that’s rampant costing hundreds of thousands of lives due to many reasons, a strong one being food. Why food? Because much of food is laden with toxins such as fluoride, aspartame, GMOs, etc. Each of those by itself can cause diseases. When taken in combination, which most people do, it’s a toxic free for all and your health is on the menu.

How to simplify this? Easy. Eat the best, most healthy food that you can. Nourish your body with that which empowers it.

Health being the most vital component in life, let’s elaborate further to be more precise.

Researching Non-Genetically modified, organic, locally grown [if possible] pesticide free food is a good great start. Making sure you drink fluoride-free water is even better.

Many can attest to the wonders of having real, nutrient-dense food like our ancestors did. A great book that talks about this is The Paleo Approach by Sarah Balantyne. Coupled with that, another outstanding book to keep in mind is Gut & Psychology Syndrome, by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD. The latter book touches on the intricate complexities of the human gut system, and how that fuels disease when your microbiota has been eviscerated by processed foods.

Why is ‘going out of your way’ [as some people argue] to eat real food worth it? Because not doing it is costing millions of lives. Sugar alone, which most people have in processed foods, fuels cancer like liquors fuel parties on the weekends. It’s insane how many people don’t know the inflammatory effects of sugar. That’s only one aspect of food that causes death. There are many more ingredients beyond sugar that should be incisively contemplated.

Unfortunately, sugar has been linked to countless other diseases.

In the article, The Truth About Sugar Addiction, Dr. Mercola sheds light onto 76 different ways sugar can ruin your health.

As a wise person once said, you pay for your health now with real food, or you pay for it later with disease, money and life.

Next on the list, is health.

One might be prompted to think , ‘Didn’t we just cover health?’ From the food angle, yes. From other angles, no.

Food already dovetails quite well into health. That’s only a start. Let’s buttress the above with another point.

As said mentioned elsewhere:

If the average person spends 5-hours daily watching television, then they are probably sitting too much. Sitting too much has dire consequences for one’s health, as some of you may know.

In his article named Watching Too Much TV Linked To Early Death, Dr. Mercola elucidates best:

If you watch television for three or more hours a day, your risk of premature death is double that of someone who watches only one hour or less, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.1 The health risks of too much sedentary behavior, including too much sitting, are now widely known.” [Bold emphasis added]

If you want more information about that, please read Dr Mercola’s article cited above. It’s quite detailed and thought-provoking, if sobering.

The above information should be enough to make people contemplate deeply about the health choices they are making. Keep in mind, we’re only talking about sitting and watching TV.

Solution? Stay active. No complicated suggestions here. Just do anything that gets you moving, and bam, you’re health is better than it was if you’re remaining stagnant.

Lastly, politics.

Boy oh boy, where can’t we go here?

In interest of simplicity, let’s synthesize this to the most simplest form.

If a scoundrel politician – regardless of whatever party they are from – lies, they shouldn’t be trusted. If they are caught being bought-off by special interest, they shouldn’t be trusted. And of course, if they are caught stealing, they should not be trusted. No exceptions. What’s so hard about that?

Blind trust of those that throw y/our interests under the bus, each and every day is exactly how we got here in the first place.

When people are not held accountable, they will unleash crimes of godlike proportions. Just look at Wall Maul Street.

In a quick synopsis:

If someone treats you poorly, let them go. Eat real non-GMO organic healthy foods like our ancestors did, if not your life/health will become exponentially complicated. Quit sitting so much while watching TV & don’t trust lying crooks. Solid advice, right?


To finalize, within the confines of this blog, ‘the law of simplicity’ will be used to denote instances where we will be making issues as simple as possible for the individual. In such a way, life will be much easier to navigate through, and things that used to be chaotic will literally crumble right before your eyes. Many have reaped these rewards. It’s time for everyone else to do so as well.

The only thing left is making the choice.

Make your life as simple as you wish, or as complicated.

The choice is yours.

“Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.”
– Isaac Newton

“Nothing is more simple than greatness; indeed, to be simple is to be great.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

“How many undervalue the power of simplicity! But it is the real key to the heart.”
– William Wordsworth


Sources & References:

The Breakaway Guide To Fluoride
The Breakaway Guide To Aspartame
Growing Doubt – A Scientist’s Experience With GMOs
[Review] Recommended Book -The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body by Sarah Balantyne, Ph.D
[Review] Gut And Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD
Here is How Candida May Actually Cause Cancer

Book Review: NLP – The Essential Guide To Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Tom Hoobyar & Tom Dotz


By: Zy Marquiez
January 16, 2016

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”
– George Bernard Shaw

The first time that NLP became known to me is when it was discussed by Navy Seal Michael Jaco in an interview that was conducted with him.   Jaco also mentions it briefly in his book The Intuitive Warrior where he details many of the experiences in his life.

That lead me to research Neuro-linguistic programming in a cursory manner, and figured the information provided might do me some good.

Of all books available, NLP – The Essential Guide To Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Tom Hoobyar and Tom Dotz, was the one that appealed to me more than the others.

In any case, although this is my first book on the subject [and will continue to look into it in future books and such], it is quite comprehensive.

At its foundation, it basically consists of explaining the process of human thought.  Thereafter, it gives the reader countless angles from which to be able to address any in a myriad of issues when it comes to how the mind creates/addresses experiences in our daily lives and how we as individuals can take charge of this process for the betterment of ourselves and others.

This particular book brings clarity to many emotional circumstances that take place between individuals, or even groups, and helps one be able to key in to certain factors. The author’s tempo is quite consistent throughout, and it doesn’t really go too fast, or too slow for the reader. The subject of NLP is analyzed from quite a few different angles.

In the beginning it covers the importance to understanding how one thinks. Therein we can learn how others manage their thoughts, whether they know it or not. From there on the book addresses thought patterns and couples that with belief filters that dictate how we view reality.

Belief filters are quite intriguing, because although an individual might be getting information, the information that his mind is viewing is being processed through a particular filter, which might or might not be beneficial. For instance, some beliefs, if positive, allow you to have a more positive outlook, thus you’re more likely to make positive choices due to that. However, the converse is also true.

Another notable point that is discussed is what emotional anchors are, as well as how to use them is touched upon. This is fascinating in that it can help people build upon the positive aspects of their life, rather than just ‘roll with the punches’ so to speak.

Triggers of emotion are also focused, being that they are so imperative in the construction of our emotional sphere.

The book also covers the notion of “Modalities” as well as “Sub-Modalities”. These are important because this is a reflection of how we feel based on certain qualities/distinctions.

One particular bit of the book that’s noteworthy is the fact that it mentions that any particular emotion, is just one option of many one can partake in. This is vital, as many people seem to be able ‘not to control’ their emotions and allow them to be automatic. By allowing themselves to be controlled by their emotions, and not be other way around, these individuals often find themselves in emotive-charged circumstances that are quite dense in stress.

Time and time again, this book covers the importance of ‘living in the moment’. This is tackled quite extensively as its monumentally beneficial, rather than living life on autopilot which most people unfortunately do.

Another prominent tenet that’s addressed that has various component are the Navy Seal’s “Big 4”. These are particular tools/habits that help Navy SEALs tackle countless intense instances where they need to forge ahead, regardless of circumstances.

Other ideas discussed are Meta-programs, the importance of physical signals such as personal space, body position, posture, gestures, touch & even eye movement, as well as being able to put yourself in other people’s mind to find out how they might be feeling.

The power of belief, some being good and some bad, are also mentioned in a quite remarkable manner.

This NLP Essential Guide makes it possible to abdicate many of the bad habits that plague individuals.

It would be erroneous however to think that once one is finished reading the book, the job is done. Those kind of limiting thoughts would placate any change that might be possible if one is not willing to put in the work.

In hindsight, there are so many different topics and ideas discussed that, at minimum, even with highlights and notes taken, it will take another reread of the most notable aspects to full anchor down all of the information.   That, or by regularly studying the concepts will one be able to fully gain the benefits of the information.

Even with everything mentioned, there is still a lot more ideas, and examples that are addressed that would be highly beneficial to many people. There is just too many to mention.

As previously said, this book really is quite comprehensive. Applying the ideas/concepts every day is where your life will begin to change.

In the end, the choice is yours.

“It’s never too late to be the person you might have been.”
– George Eiliot

Retail Rapture – American Estimated To Spend Over $700 Billion Dollars On Largest 5 Holidays In 2015


By: Zy Marquiez
January 15, 2016

“Recreational shopping is the shortest distance between two points: You and Broke.”
– Victoria Moran

The new year has begun in earnest. Goals have been set by individuals. The sun is rising on a ‘new beginning’.

With that in mind, where we travel on our way forward into the future has everything to do with where we’ve been.

Let’s see where we were financially – as a nation – in the year 2015.

What follows is an amalgamation of the biggest holidays in the American landscape, and what the establishment estimated the nation would spend as a whole during those days:

Fourth Of July

The establishment had expected $6 Billion dollars spent for this holiday

Labor Day

It was estimated that $13.5 Billion would be spent on labor day what.


Americans planned on spending $7.4 Billion on Halloween alone. P.S. That includes $350 million dollars for pet Costumes. You read that correct.  


During Thanksgiving, which is off course now notoriously coupled with Black Friday, and Cyber Monday, Americans were estimated to spend $80 Billion.


At the top of the proverbial pyramid of consumerism, Americans were expected to spend $600 Billion dollars.

The total estimated Americans would be spent just on those 5 Holidays was $706.9 Billion dollars. That’s nigh 3 quarters of a Trillion dollars. That’s a lot of freaking money paper!

Some will instantly say, but those are estimates and they would be right. But estimates have precedents, and while the number could be lower, it could also be higher. Especially since it doesn’t seem like Retail Rapture is ending any time soon.


One of the main tenets of this blog is empowering the individual. In order to forge ahead, individuals, which are the foundation of society, need to be cognizant of what they do if they want to move forward – breakawaybeyond the current system that taxes every aspect of y/our life.

With that said, in order for the nation to spend nearly 3/4 a Trillion Dollars, it takes a lot of individuals to carry that out.

Ponder this: what would happen if the entire country saved just 10% of that money? That seems quite reasonable. That would be a savings of $70 Billion in one year, as a nation.

And people are saying that the economy is going to collapse? Are you kidding me!

In any case, narrowing down this to the local, individual level, what would saving just 10% of your Holiday expenditures help you accomplish? Ruminate on that a bit. In fact, take your time and think long and hard how much saving just 10% of your Holiday money can help you building your future. There is a lot that can be accomplished given how much money was estimated to be spent.

Being cognizant of the above, where do we head too financially, as individuals, from here?

That, my friends, only you know can know.

Because the choice, is ultimately yours.

Sources & References:
Retail Rapture – Black Friday
The Individual – The Foundation Of Society
What Does It Mean To ‘Breakaway’?

Secret Space Program Conference [2009] – Richard Dolan Presentation

By: Zy Marquiez
January 14, 2016

The Secret Space Program Conference was held on the 3rd of April 2011 in Amsterdam and boasted a lineup of many notable speakers. One of the many upper echelon researchers that took part in this event was Richard Dolan, who in the year 2000 published a 500-page study named UFOs and the National Security State.   This conference also featured Timothy Good, who has amounted over 30 years of research, and who has authored Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up [1987], which became an instant bestseller at hand.  Also showcased in this conference is Peter Levenda, who wrote Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement With the Occult and also Richard Hoagland who was a NASA Consultant who authored Dark Mission, which focuses on the secret history of NASA.  These are only some of the noteworthy speakers who took part in the conference.

The above presentation focuses on Richard Dolan’s research of the Secret Space Program.

In true methodical fashion, Richard Dolan focuses from beginning to end in his presentation on the inner workings of the covert Secret Space Program in an incredibly incisive fashion.

Early in his lecture, Mr. Dolan hones in on the signature statement by Ben Rich, who was the CEO of the Skunkworks Division of Lockheed at one time.  Dolan proceeds to break down the provocative statement Ben Rich said at the UCLA School of Engineering regarding humans already having the technology to take ET back home.

Other aspects referenced by Mr. Dolan are what some would term ‘classic’ Military Documentation gathered via the Freedom Of Information Act [FOIA] such as the Twining Memo [1947], the Minot AFB UFO Landing Memo [1966], the DIA Memo regarding the Iranian Jet Fighter Incident [1976], the Halt Memo [1981], the DIA Documents pertaining to the Belgian UFO wave [1990] as well as a myriad of other pertinent documentation.

With his usual calm and engaging demeanor, Richard Dolan carries out the entire presentation in a method that anyone, be it neophyte or veteran to the subject, could understand.

Besides expounding about military documentation, Mr. Dolan covers anonymous information leaks, crash retrievals and the people possibly in control of this covert and powerful world.  In addition, he delves into secrecy revolving the programs and the multitude of levels that this particular secrecy encompasses.

The 2001 Disclosure Program is also addressed in Richard’s presentation.  Mr. Dolan gives his input on the Karl Wolfe testimony which took place at the National Press Club.

Karl Wolfe, who had a top secret crypto-clearance in the United States Air Force, recounts what an Airmen Second Class told him in 1965 while he was at the Lunar Orbiter Program at NASA:

By the way we’ve discovered a base on the backside of the moonThen he proceeded to put photographs down in front of me and clearly in these photographs were structures, mushroom shaped buildings, spherical buildings and towers.  At that point I was very concerned because I knew that we were working on compartmentalized security.  He had breached security.  And I was actually frightened at that moment.  And I did not question him any further.  A few moments later someone did come into the room.  I worked there for three more days and I remember going home and naively thinking I can’t wait to hear about this on the evening news.  And here it is, more than 30 years later and I hope we hear about it tonight.  And I will testify under oath before congress.[Emphasis added]

There were many powerful statements carried out at the National Press Club in 2001.  Karl Wolfe’s was just one of many which took place on that momentous day.

Another thought-provoking statement discussed by Mr. Dolan was the one carried out by Clark McClelland regarding what Ben Rich stated to him:

“I worked at Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center from 1958 to 1992.

There are many mysteries that have been discovered during the years that we have been exploring the moon, sun and planets.

The former CEO of Lockheed Skunk Works, [SR-71, Stealth Fighter, etc.] was visiting the Cape many years ago.  I asked him a question.  Ben Rich said, ‘Clark, Black Budget money has taken the USA Military at least 50+ years beyond the present understanding of the general public and how far we are technologically advanced.”  I said, “Mars, Sir?” He looked at me [and] his head movement said yes.

Are there monuments on the moon, Mars, etc., bet on it.” [Emphasis added]

Statements such as the one said by Ben Rich, which wasn’t the only time he spoke in such a tantalizing manner as we have seen, propel the populace’s minds into a whirlwind of much speculation & wonder.

In this informative presentation, Richard Dolan also elucidates what the Secret Space Programs could be about.  Gravitating from theory to theory, Mr. Dolan posits multiple likely and realistic possibilities for the reticent programs such as profit, the creation of UFO technology, biotech research as well as a handful of other possibilities.  Richard at one point also speaks about the fact that the Black Budget Programs have no oversight whatsoever, which other researchers have also noted.

Possible funding avenues for these black budget programs are also addressed by Richard Dolan such as the $2.3 trillion dollars which went ‘missing’ from the Pentagon just prior to 9/11.

Lastly, he also postulates what he coined, “The Breakaway Civitilization”, which in theory is a nefarious & disproportionately powerful portion of humanity with technological prowess far better than the mainstream world could fathom, pockets deeper than anyone could imagine while also sporting the capability to perhaps get off-world, that has detached permanently from humanity in all notable disciplines.

What could such a far-reaching civilization accomplish?  Richard Dolan seeks to answer these questions as well.

All in all, the entire presentation was well thought out and easy to follow.

The Secret Space Program Presentation by Richard Dolan is a must watch for those interested in the abstruse subject of UFOs & the Breakaway Civilization.

When Richard Dolan’s presentation is taken in conjunction with the presentations carried out by the other speakers, the Secret Space Program conference does an unparalleled job of painting a vast landscape of possibilities that are extremely thought-provoking within the esoteric realm that has become UFOlogy.