Review [Recommended Book] – Rise Of The Fourth Reich By Jim Marrs

By: Zy Marquiez
January 22, 2016

“Since the war was lost, the “enemy lines” meant, quite literally, a new kind of special guerilla warfare was to be waged from a postwar Nazi underground, quite literally, “behind enemy lines” which would in the aftermath of the war, cover the entire globe, and that warfare was deliberately conceived in conjunction with an advanced technology that, in the hands of Weltanschauungskrieg experts, would be used to spread fear, terror, confusion, and thereby to demoralize the enemy, short circuit his world-interpretation and decision making process….But what precisely, was that technology?”

– Joseph P. Farrel, Saucers, Swastikas And PsyOps – A History Of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies And Psychological Operations

“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

“The hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say, without bothering the brain but by working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult, all this is the dangerous element, and the element I have taken over.”

– Adolf Hitler

In this tour de force, The Rise Of The Fourth Reich – The Secret Societies That Threaten To Take Over America, Jim Marrs does unparalleled work in exposing an extensive amount of data regarding the Nazis that you will not get taught in school.

As its often said, history is written by the winners, and an odd history it is that most people know very little about the Nazis except for what they have heard about from the mainstream media.

One quick, yet notable example of how history is twisted, is the fact that much of the populace is blind to the fact that America, the Vatican, as well as other countries funneled Nazis through ratlines in droves. If that were it, it would be bad enough. However, many of those very high-ranking criminal Nazis were given positions of power within the establishment of the time via Project Paperclip; most notable of those is Dr. Wehrner Von Braun, who in later years became the head of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA]. Other high ranking Nazis brought over in such a manner include Kurt Diebner, Otto Hahn often called “the father of nuclear chemistry” Walter Gerlach, and many others.

Therein, by 1955, nearly a thousand German scientists had been funneled into the United States and given vital positions within the American Scientific community. This gave firm roots to what Jim Marrs calls ‘The Fourth Reich’, within the American Landscape.

An examination of those very Nazi roots within the American establishment is what Marrs carries out in this landmark book.

From his foray into the strangeness of Rudolf Hess and his particular case, to an examination of what is oft-termed ‘Nazi Wonder Weapons’, Marrs – like a heat seeking missile – locks into the most keen of aspects in his extensive synopsis of the Nazi abstruse lore.

Another great topic of note that affects our everyday lives – yet has its nascent stages within the Nazi history – is the one of the neurotoxin Fluoride.   Unbeknownst too many is the fact that not only is this toxin put into the water supply, but it also causes extensive detrimental side effects such as lower IQ [as Harvard studies find], mental retardation, brain damage, skeletal fluorosis, increased bone fractures, genetic damage, dental fluorosis, gastrointestinal disturbances.  Marrs also covers the noxious Aspartame, which the FDA knows has 92 potential side effects, but still pushed it through since it was Donald Rumsfeld’s Bioweapon Legacy.

Some of the other topics touched upon by Marrs include the Nazi Mind Control programs [that aided in the spawning of the infamous MK-Ultra Mind Control program], as well as the elite & corporate ties to the Nazis, the Nazi connections to the pharmaceutical industry, I.G. Farben and their love for eugenics, the pervasive control of mainstream media, and a whole lot more.

Calling this merely a great book would be an understatement. This particular well researched piece is a veritable library of references for the inquiring individual. It is as well rounded as it is incisive. Not having it would be a great disservice to those wishing to understand the current criminals in a plethora of positions powers such as politics, finance, banking, etc. whose ties lead back to some these nefarious roots.


Other suggested books on the topic:

The Third Way – The Nazi International, European Union, And Corporate Fascism by Joseph P. Farrel
Nazi International – The Nazis’ Postwar Plan To Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space by Joseph P. Farrell
Saucers, Swastikas And PsyOps – A History Of A Breakaway Civilization: Hidden Aerospace Technologies And Psychological Operations, by Joseph P. Farrell
Ratline – Soviet Spies, Nazi Priests, and the Disappearance of Adolf Hitler by Peter Levenda
Unholy Alliance – A History Of Nazi Involvement In The Occult, by Peter Levenda
The Hitler Legacy – The Nazi Cult In Diaspora by Peter Levenda

Depopulation Death Dealers

Note: HFCS = High Fructose Corn Syrup


Depopulation Death Dealers

Comptrollers wish to cull the populace
And only have 500 million, more or less
Proof of this is in the Georgia Guide Stones
They truly wish to purge all time zones

It starts at birth, promptly with vaccines
In depopulation, there’s NO in between
Jabs that cause disease, autism & cancer
Simply going vax-free is the only answer

Then there’s ‘water’ with noxious fluoride
A chemical compound that won’t subside
Aspartame, bisphenol & and even HFCS
A merger of toxins – how can that clear up?

Let’s forget not, Big Pharma & their pills
Killing up to 225,000 causing countless ills
Surely seems like a clear eugenics sign
Luckily for us, we STILL got much time

They’ll try and brainwash entire masses
From all walks of life, all social classes
Only option is not to play their games
And watch their system go up in flames

© By: Zy Marquiez