Book Review: Weirdstuff – Hollywood Mind Control by Jamie Hanshaw


Zy Marquiez
April 17, 2016

Hanshaw’s work recently became known to me  and after listening to her in an interview, my curiosity about her work was piqued.

In this book, Weirdstuff – Hollywood Mind Control by Jamie Hanshaw, a wide net of topics is ensnared, and in quite surprising depth as well.  The net the author casts is wide enough to make even the most trenchant believer in the “nothing to see here” paradigm, at least begin to question what might truly be taking place.

What if everything Hanshaw speaks of is true?  Are the mind controls agendas she is claiming are happening really taking place?  How long has this been happening?  Who’s involved?

As other notable authors as the late Jim Keith covered in his book Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness and Daniel Estulin delved into in his recent book Tavistock Institute – Social Engineering The Masses, these concerted agendas have not only been going on for decades, but they have become quite embedded in our societal structure in many ways.

Hanshaw adds another groundbreaking and concerning layer into the mind control schemes that are everpresent in society.

Heck, if only a tenth of the information she covers is true, the world we live in is nowhere near the world people most even imagine.  That’s actually quite disturbing, because the book makes a great case that various nefarious tools are being used to manipulate people, specifically in the music industry.  However, those very people are being used to further more darker agendas, as the author herself illustrates.

This particular book – although its technically a magazine – is rather astounding.  It has a lot of claims that might seem outlandish to those who haven’t researched these topics thoroughly, but truly are not.

If you haven’t begin doing research into the Mind Control that’s prevalent in Hollywood, which seeps into our culture, this is a great place to start.

Am definitely highly appreciate of all the colored pictures rather than the usual black and white pictures most other research books feature, as it gives this book greater vibrancy and more ‘life’.

From propaganda, mind control, to occult rituals, and even sifting through some ancient history, Hanshaw pulls no punches in her search for what the truth is.  Keep in mind, this is not an easy field to navigate, and not many researchers have delved into it.

With that said though, this is a well researched book, and the author spared no expenses into shedding some light into some extremely bothersome areas of society.

For instance, following the threads of MK Ultra Programming, Hanshaw follows certain pop culture icons such as Beyonce & Britney Spears for example, and examines their careers with a fine-tooth comb so to speak.  A common – and distressing – theme emerges with those, and many other musicians as well.

Part of the additional range of this book extends from analysis on disturbing videos that take place over and over again from various ‘artists’ elucidating into “the revelation of the method,” to alter egos which many musicians feature.  Those points are coupled with secret rituals at times [think Superbowl, etc.], all leading to the mass hypnosis of society, which has helped socially engineering a new societal structure – a society that looks vastly different from what it did decades ago as many old-timers will attest too.

Keep in mind, this is merely one component of what is taking place, but a rather poignant one, because it goes mostly unnoticed.

Many people know about fluoride, or aspartame, or that ‘the system is rigged’, or that everything is stacked against you via politics, banking, etc.  And yet, most of these people still allow their energy and personal power to be dictated vastly by sophisticated methods of propaganda, social engineering, mind control, entrainment technology and the like.

Given how the average person spends 5 hours watching TV, which accrues to 1,825 hours per year, its no wonder that so many fall like dominoes.

How one acts, how one dresses, what one thinks, how one thinks, how one speaks, what one buys, and much, much more, in large part is being manipulated by unseen hands.  Yes, some players are known, as Hanshaw points out, and they SHOULD BE called out, so other people know, but there’s still a lot that is unknown.  This is why continued research into such an abstruse field – as Hanshaw and handful of others are doing – is paramount given how much of society rejects vital information that would be highly beneficial to them if they had an open minded, yet skeptical mind.

Its one thing to watch a movie or a tv show, realizing that many of these pop culture forms of entertainment have various layers of meaning – deeper meaning.

It’s something completely different if what one is watching is to large extent a mind control engineering mechanism that seeks to compromise the individual in myriad ways.  The author has shown many of the ways that this is taking place, and people should definitely listen to what is being said.

In this particular book Hanshaw does a trenchant job of addressing some of the questions regarding  this esoteric mechanism of social manipulation.  And due to that, am definitely looking forward to future works of the author.  She set the bar high for her own work and am really looking forward to reading her other two books.

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Zy Marquiez is an avid book reviewer, an open-minded skeptic, yogi, and freelance writer who regularly studies subjects such as: Consciousness, Education, Creativity, The Individual, Ancient History & Ancient Civilizations, Forbidden Archaeology, Big Pharma, Alternative Health, Space, Geoengineering, Social Engineering, Propaganda, and much more. His own personal blog is where his personal work is shared, while serves as a media portal which mirrors vital information usually ignored by mainstream press, but still highly crucial to our individual understanding of various facets of the world. My work can also be found on

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