Book Review: 5-Minute Chi Boost by Sifu William Lee

Zy Marquiez
February 27, 2017

If Sifu William Lee were a skilled baseball player, he would win a batting title.  This is because to win a batting title is a testament of skill, but more so, simplicity.   And you can have all the skill in the world, but if you don’t keep things simple, you will become your worst enemy.

5-Minute Chi Boost by Sifu William Lee, takes a very pragmatic approach into the discipline of Chi and how to learn simple ways of employing it.

Like his previous two books, Total Chi Fitness [review here] and Healing Chi Mediation [review here], Lee provides the reader with a sound manual that’s as incisive as it is no-nonsense.

As his previous works, Lee commences the manual with the what’s and why’s that pertain to Chi.  These help the reader understand what Chi is, how it can be employed, and so on.

From there, Lee explains the five pressure point methods, which can be applied in specific locales on the body, as well as preparations the reader should do to maximize the efficiency of the exercises.

The techniques within the book 5-Minute Chi Boost, while seemingly unconventional, have helped me personally achieve additional energy and focus.  Out of all three of the books reviewed by me of Lee, it’s been the most helpful, although admittedly it’s also the quickest/simplest to employ, which is why it’s often used.

Speaking simply, if you want to add energy to your life in a simple and yet measurable way, get this book.  Its benefits will be proportional to your effort, but the best part is that it doesn’t take too much effort to employ these techniques, which is why the book is getting more noticed.

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Zy Marquiez is an avid book reviewer, an open-minded skeptic, yogi, and freelance writer who regularly studies subjects such as: Consciousness, Education, Creativity, The Individual, Ancient History & Ancient Civilizations, Forbidden Archaeology, Big Pharma, Alternative Health, Space, Geoengineering, Social Engineering, Propaganda, and much more. His own personal blog is where his personal work is shared, while serves as a media portal which mirrors vital information usually ignored by mainstream press, but still highly crucial to our individual understanding of various facets of the world. My work can also be found on

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